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Everything posted by IM2QIK

  1. Thanks for the explanation FordTech ... may I ask how the incorrectly calibrated ECM actually stalls the engine via the Canister Purge Valve Solenoid? What does the Canister Purge Valve do and how does it's incorrect operation create stalling and or idling problems in XR6T's?
  2. Hi XRT330 Have noticed you've an APS stage II kited auto XR6T ... please let us all know how its going and if your happy with it. Would be very interested in its driveability, power and shift quality of the tranny under full throttle upshifts in drive especially 2nd to 3rd. Look forward to hearing back from you
  3. Thanks for your reply Peter, Am really excited at the March release of the stage III kits ... do you know of the retail pricing as yet or is that to be finalised? Can you GUARANTEE that the Stage II kits presently marketed in auto form do the 2nd to 3rd upshifts in drive under full throttle cleanly and consistantly every time? From what I've seen all the modded auto cars have drama's with the 2nd to 3rd upshift under full throttle in drive .... part throttle upshifts despite which gear all seem fine which is strange? Also I've heard and read on here that the auto's shift fine initially (a few days or a week) when modified .... then the Ford ECM starts poor quality shifts under full throttle in 2nd to 3rd upshift situations in drive! If you can guarantee that the UNICHIP doesnt upset the auto's shift parameters you've got my business...
  4. Hi Peter .... I've a few quick questions for you. 1 : Just wondering whether you've encountered any idle and or stalling problems with any of your XR6T test cars over the past 12 months? 2 : Have your had issue's with the power steering shuddering whilst doing slow speeds turns eg parking ? 3 : Do you have any drama's with the auto shifting quality when you do your stage II or III kits? I've friends of whom have XEDE Chiptorque kits in their cars and the 2nd to 3rd shift is not consistant or without problems in any of them and alas I also notice OWNA's auto with a UNICHIP Stage II TOO has problems in the auto problems thread!!! Would love too upgrade my auto T when your stage III kit is available in March with the plug in loom ... hope all the auto gearbox issues are resolved by then?
  5. Hi FordTech, can you elaborate on the Canister Purge Valve issue for my dealers replaced this twice and it has'nt done anything ..... my car still randomly stalls frequently every second or third day!!! It does'nt make sence??????????????
  6. Thanks FordTech, nice of you to let us all know whats happening ... if it was'nt for you no one would have any idea (except for us forever waiting of course) of Fords slow pathetic attempts to retify this bloody annoying fault! If these latest calibrations are'nt for the idle/stalling problems on the manual XR6T and XR8's .... what problem do they correct????? I find it hard to believe you've not had any auto's with idle/stalling drama's for I know of several friends who've auto's and have the same drama's with idle/stalling as me. Anyways, thanks for all your help and I hope Ford resolves this problem soon or I'll sell this car ....
  7. Hi Fordtech, My XR6T's an auto 10/03 build with the ECM prefix# 3R23 12A650 AHA which has been reflashed to AHB. This car stalls frequently every second or third day usually when stationary though even a few times when coasting along with no thottle at slow speeds!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea how to fix this for its driving me insane ... my dealer cannot find any faults The small earth wire you mentioned near the right hand front headlight is firmly tightened .... any other idea's would be appreicated
  8. After reading Fortechs thread I went to my local dealer to have the updated ecm calibration loaded into my car. NO SUCH LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! The update discs B29 Calibration and C2 Systems Calibration corrupt the WDS files and all dealers have been told not to load them!!!!!!!!!! So seems like the stalling problem still remain to be resolved. How much bloody longer do we have to wait FORD :banghead: Maybe FORDTECH can shed so light on this .......
  9. Hi Fordtech, Can you please inform me of the new ECM Prefix# for the upgraded Calibration that you've just recieved. My dealer in North Queensland has no knowledge of its existance as yet .... my ECM's AHB .... many thanks
  10. Thanks FORDTECH, Nice to know they've retified the problem; sounds like reflashing my ECM with the latest AAB calibration wont acheive much so I'll just wait till after Christmas I guess. Thanks once again for all your input in this forum ... tis much appreciated
  11. Hi all, Thanks for all your replys ... seems the latest version of the ECM program does'nt rectify this annoying problem. I can't believe Ford let this thing go into production with such piss poor idle quality .... nothing worse than buying a new car and the bloody thing frequently stalls!!!!!!!!!! Maybe FORDTECH can help ????????????
  12. Hi all, Have any of you guys encountered poor idle quality with your XR6T's. Sometimes my car will idle right down to 500 rpm and then start hunting between 500rpm and 750 rpm or on several occassions it will just stall. Mine's a 10/03 build and has the ECM version 3R23 12A650 AHA but have noticed the new cars in the showrooms have AAB version of ECM. Has the new version rectified this problem does anyone know??? Am wondering if I should get the new version reflashed into my ECM????? My dealers checked everything many times and cant find anything wrong ..... All help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Thanks ms700, What do you mean, buy the seats as individual components? Was hoping I could use my orginal seat runners and seatbelt pretensioners ect ect ANyways .... look forward to hearing back from you for you certainly seem to have you finger on the pulse regarding anything to do with ford spare parts ps: do I need vin & build# from a Phantom FPV GT to order these or are they generally available? cheers
  14. Hi all, Just wondering if I can purchase FPV GT front seats (their much more supportive) for my 2003 phantom XR6 Turbo from my dealer? Do I need the vin and build No's of a phantom GT to order them and does anyone know the price ... maybe MS 700 could help here Thanks for your help
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