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Everything posted by NYOPA
There crap...... they keep getting in the way... if I can find mine you can buy it for a few bucks........ I will look tonite cheers
Yep.. I hate to admit but I have to agree with Ole Kenny... its the best stuff
This is a very interesting debate..... I for one as a person who needs his licence for a living do not like having more points. raise the fines sure but double demerits suck! The other issue here is that some one travelling at 6Kph over (in a 60 zone) is now the same (in points) as some one doing 29 kph over........... please this is a f%$#ing joke. you can quite easily go 6 kph over the limit and be a sane sensible driver who is making an honest mistake, and deserves the penalty after all that's the law. However I don't believe anyone can unknowingly travel at 29 kph over the limit, and if you can you shouldn't be driving anyway. Yet they are the same??????? christ when will the NSW govt get a grip on reality and get the whole points / double demerits / fines etc all in order..... whilst not a laughing matter, it is a joke that double demerits is proving that it doesn't effect the road toll one little bit... maybe some driver education would. my 2 cents PS, I am a safe driver as I currently have 4 points on my licence (yes got them in a double demerit weekend doing just over the 80kph limit) and have never lost my licence.
Because of the current FBT / Tax implecations, people like me have to sell our 5 yo T's for a fixed price. So a head's up to everyone, that my T in just under 4 years will be going for just under $16K, with all the options I have and around 150K km's on the clock. It will also be in great condition as I love the car and look after it really well both in the way I drive it and take care of it. So be warned that is what the tax dept says I have to do and there are plenty of other's like me........... lol, anyone want a good car in 4 years?
What do you mean Ken... a word you say????? More like a word SWMBO says, you'll be to busy with your hands on the wheel! what rubber did you get? and do you looks good in it?
Hi Everyone A bit of help is required. I had a blown bulb last week (philips crystal vision) less than a year old and after some kicking and screaming they replaced them under warranty, actually after a few questions they were most helpful, unlike Autobarn where I purchased them. Anyhow when I put them in I wanted to raise them a little to get a slightly longer beam on the road. So I adjusted the upper of the 2 large screw levers and that seemed to work fine. I then thought I would get creative and mucked around with the lower more central of the 2 levers and it didn't do anything (that I could see). can anyone tell me what its for and what the correct way to adjust the headlights are. Also is it possible to adjust the outside lights (H4) independantly of the inside (H7)'s?? as per usual with you mighty helpful (and knowledgable) bunch, many thanks in advance! cheers David
I would love to come, but it may be the wrong time of year for me to have 2 weeks off. Can we come for just the second week?
Hi Everyone I just thought I would relate a story to you. I was in canberra today and thought whilst there I would get my wheels rotated, they talked me into a balance as well. Anyhow the guy asked me what pressure I was running in the tyre and I said 40, I have previously been running them at 36 and a few months back went to 40, with a noticable improvement in ride and handling. Anyhow after the balance and rotate and an extra 4 psi in them off I went back to syd..... wow... all I can say is that I thought the car went well at 40.. at 44 it is way better in ride and handling again. these are the standard dunlops it came with. Anyway just thought you would like to know. cheers
speaker design... with all the bells whistles and paramaters you can poke a stick at. The links you posted went to a Behringer website?? is this right? I would suggest thet are not the best speakers (at any price) for your amp. PM me with a price range if you have one.. and the pics of your amp and I will see what I can do. I will see if anyone has the speakers so I can have a listen to them. Grande Utopia's and some Nautilus 801 Signatures Some simple advice from an old audio head.... save up for the best you can get, because long after the price is forgotten, the quality will remain. cheers david
HOnestly Lumpen, save yourself the heart ache of building speakers that you think sound good. You will try and convince your self for ages that you have done a good job and they sound good. One day you will realise they don't...........( I have 4 times) I have spent years studying this with none other than neville thiel, and I don't even bother building my own speakers, its to much trouble. Buy a good set of reputable speakers, if you want a hand I can audition unlimited speakers in a price range and give you an opinion, lol.... or sell you one of the 4 pairs I have built over the years......... Lastly, and more importantly than your speakers or amp.... your room.... If it's no good (acoustically) then nothing will sound good in the room. Anyway I am looking forward to seeing the amp.. I hope its a lost gem and you can make it sing. cheers david
A quick rule of thumb on the out put is that an EL-84 will push out between 10-25W per valve. (30 at a pinch) It depends on a fwe variables. Either way if it was made right that should be good to power most speakers these days at a reasonable level. Better find out what impedance you should be running ( what the speaker should be) otherwise you could get yourself into a world of hurt. If you can post a pic of it and the output terminals I may be able to have a good guess at a few of the variables.
HI everyone Just to let you know that Ian Luff has spots available on 19th Feb, 5 Mar and 2 april (saturdays) @ $285 pp or if we get 5 $270pp anyone interested?? thanks david
HI Everyone I want to do a day's training with a mate (XR8 owner) and was wondering who of you have done it around Sydney and who you would recomend. I want to do this asap, so if anyone else is interested in joining us we may be able to get a group discount. as per usual, thanks in advance for the help. cheers David
I am looking (or was) at a Typhoon as a serious next car because I have enjoyed the T so much in the 1 yr I have had it...... The test drive was fun, but the real problem is......... the price, not the car, the insurance. The T cost me $1116 this year if it had the extra 30KW (typhoon)......... $3308 plus a compulsory traking device. sorry I just can't justify that much on a car that is essentially a slightly more powerful version of what I am driving now.
HOw about this for a plate KBB 05S
Spot on BCR.. thanks, fianlly got it fixed after they balenced the wheels last time. This time the balenced the drive shaft and what do ya know the car feels like its brand new again..... It actually feels like it has more power????? thanks for the help
Hmmm decisions decisions I reckon if you want to be one of the crowd, get the red.... if you want to make a statement.. Rapid.. ... I hate to say it but it really makes an impression.....and looks almost as good as blueprint! Anyhow this is all coming from a man who is test driving a HgAg Typhoon tomorrow.... I wonder what colour they will spray it for me!
Mine got hit in SYd about 4 weeks ago at the airport....... I got about 70 marks all over the bonnet and roof... looks like someone took it out on the golf range and hit balls at it with a sand wedge for an hour. $3000 worth of damage... they are fixing it with dentless paint repair apparently. oooooooooooooooooooooo I feel like crying when I look at it.
Ahh my latest kill, a brand new calais... and yes we should always be able to beat one of them anyway. I was at the lights on Epping rd heading east towads town middle lane a green clalais pulls up on my right. He nudges up a bit and I look at him.... he had the look of "lets have a go".... OK I thought. So away we go and as usual evertime I race a Expensive Daewoo they stay pretty even for the first 20m or so and then its like they hit the brake or something. Anyhow that's what happened and I watched him get further away in my rear veiw mirror.... Guess what... we hit the next red light at El Rancho and he wanted to try again... this time no frigging around I jam my left foot on the brake bring the revs up to about 1500 or so and pounce when the lights go green. Same result Im doing 120 down the hill and hes so far behind its not funny...... and the best bit about this whole story is........ I had 3 passengers in my car and he was by himself!
Hey.. I got a stock standard T but I love it all the same as for the hats.. I like the idea of blue
Crap crap crap crap crap... this is so unfair......... I will never make it to the drags.... I have just finished at the doctors and will know tomorrow if I have Glandular fever.... crap crap crap crap..... I even bought a f..... ing helmet on friday.... god this sucks. let you all know tomorrow. david
I will try and be there too, not sure at this stage... work work work.... DOH It was unreal time last year, and a great way to meet lots of faces.... even ugly ones like Ken's! cheers PS... I don't suppose we could do it in April instead??? as its a much better time of the year for me.
trying to give up the smokes (again)................ don't give me any White Tee.... even if I beg! there is nothing worse than a grown man begging
MOTUL turbo light. good sh*te!
OKokOkokOK... this time I will be there... barring a late call by the boss.... I got a stock standard T... no idea of th rwkw.... guess we will see how fast it goes when I get there. ' Where can I get a good price on a helmet??? I can't find my old one. cheers David