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Everything posted by NYOPA

  1. Didn't we say 7 months ago that we would go karting in the next 6 months???? So who's up for another round of Karting???? Trumpy, shall I kick your butt again?? not to mention the rest of you??? hee hee... now there's the challenge who's in?
  2. Whilst the general opinion here seems to e quiet negative towards this list....I disagree. Whislt not a perfect start, it at least is a start to stopping inexperienced drivers from hurting themsleves, but more importantly other people. 3 years is harldy a long time to wait and hopefully within that time all drivers can get themselves a good understanding of how a car handles under all conditions. Then they can drive whatever they want. I hope the govt puts some more restrictions on what a P licence driver can do ie not allowing them to carry unlicenced drivers etc. I believe it will make the roads a safer place.
  3. Another one for all you Hoff fans
  4. I agree with YCL..... and as a man who spends over $1000 on mobile calls a month convenience is of utmost importance. Don't use the phone presenter.. it is a pain in the arse and will get in the way of everything you do while driving. If you put it next to the speedo it has long wires hanging out. my 2 cents worth NY
  5. I have to say something on this......... Firstly with the sms poll... who really cares what "the australian public" think, she is not on trial here. Secondly the indonesian sytem is not bad at all, completely different to ours and they have different penalties etc... but on the whole it works. Thirdly the whole case has been a stuff up from start to finish, if she had of got some proper legal advice in the beginning she wouldn't be there now. Also if she had treated it (from the beginning) as seriously as it deserves she wouldn't be in this mess. She joked and laughed in the first few weeks like it couldn't have been her, why not? She's as dumb as 2 very short planks and probably thought she could get away with it.... cause they only search bags on the way out.... don't they? And lastly, I believe that the 3 judges have been extremely lenient on her allowing testomony that in Australia and certainly there should never have got through the front door....... jeeeees some guy (convicted criminal) over hears a conversation between 2 crims that may have to do with her case.... what a load of sh*te. I have no idea if she is guilty or not.. I don't really care. However when you fly YOU are responsible for your goods... A boogie board bag is pretty small and I would guess that 4Kg of dope would be the size of 2 house bricks... how did she not notice the size or the weight? my 2 cents worth
  6. Yes cats never seem to get much press.......so does anyone here use the CAPA cat and if so what do you think? it's going to be my next mod. cheers David
  7. I agree... loose the keys... they are just dangerous anyway.
  8. Hi shakeyone I had my centre muffler removed last week... sound much better. However when I was there Craig had a twin 2 1/2" cat back system that he offered me. He put it on and it sounded sweet, but I couldn't justify the expense at present to make the car sound better, so he just replaced the cente muffler. Anyhow the point of the story is.. that Craig @ Carline Gladesville has the system still there and wants to get rid of it fo $900 inc tips and fitting. cheers david
  9. NYOPA

    Tyre Pressuress

    I started at 36 all around and have treid most combinations in 2psi increments over the last year. Each time I did at least 2000 K's at that pressure going to a max of 44psi front and rear. Easily the best setup for both ride and handling was 40psi all around , however 44psi was the best on the freeway. Standard 17" SP3000, currently 38, 000 K's on the clock and still with 8-9mm tread depth all around, tyres rotated at 30, 000. hope this helps. david
  10. Famous last words O wise one... So she's getting the phoon hey? As for me $774 p/ month Howard and Costello free dollars + service, rego, optimax, Motul turbolight, AAMI and other little bits and pieces. residual of $16K in 48 months.
  11. NYOPA

    Join The Army

    Given the unexplained interest in this man......... well to me anyway. I thought all you fans may like to sign up
  12. Nice One YCL I hope its as good as it looks. cheers
  13. Hi Everyone I have been sadly dissapointed for the last few years with the quality ( or lack of) in what I put in my windscreen washer water. Bug off is great for bugs but completely useless for bird crap and other road nasties. All the others I have tried are in varying degrees of bad. So what do you guys give the thumbs up to??? thanks as always in advance. david
  14. OK I'm in... I'll have 272..........bingo
  15. It all looks great, but for me $1500 is too much, I would really only want boost, oil and water temp. I hope you have enough interest as it looks awesome what you are doing. Maybe you could sell it to Ford??
  16. Mine was $190 inc without oil as I supplied my own They fixed the handbrake in that price as well Sounds like you really got stung.
  17. Sorry Mum will kill me....... see you next time
  18. I use Ford Credit, 7.25% over 5 years. hope this helps
  19. This is an easy one...... plonky is 100% right... So you have 2 choices and if your not into 3 somes DUMP HER....
  20. I just fitted my 2nd CAI today and have just got back from the first spin... woo hoo there is so much more low power I can't believe it. Thanks to both Geea and XtRmn8 for there previous posts on the subject and helpful step by step guides. It was all just too easy. Now I am hooked on mods again like the last car I loved (65 Mini Cooper S) and spent almost every weekend tweaking it.......... I better start looking for a new CAT now.
  21. NYOPA

    Tyre Wear

    HI Everyone I was just wondering what your experiences are with tyre wear. I have 34 000 kms on the clock and have noticed the front are wearing more than the back, is this your case as well? How many K's did you get out of the SP3000's? thanks. PS also keen to know if anyone is using bridgestone S03's and what they think of em.
  22. Any room for one more late starter?
  23. Most awesome Well done, put me down for one as soon as its ready. thanks david
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