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bob^ last won the day on July 22 2020

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About bob^

  • Birthday 27/02/1983

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  1. Mine is a mk1 FG. I have the factory colour screen, but the trim panel I have used in the above photo is from a base model with the monochrome screen. The trim panel that surrounds the headunit is the only part that is 3d printed. You are more than welcome to the file, but I'm not sure if it will fit 100%. It is a perfect fit for the trim panel in the picture, but if I sit it over the colour screen trim, then it does not follow the same contours. I have a spare that I have already printed if you wanted me to mail it to you?
  2. I might be able to 3d print one for you. Which pins are you using on the plug?
  3. Thought some of you might be interested in the fascia I have started making for mine. I didn't want to invest the money in the mk2 surround and then end up upgrading when the double din kit comes out. This is the standard low end trim with a 3d printed trim to go on the front of it. I need to paint mine gloss black to match the rest of the icc.
  4. Good to see all you guys sharing your info. Things have come a long way so since I wrote up a tutorial to mount a single din head unit in a BA Falcon almost 15 years ago! I also used to make an adapter for the BA steering wheel controls to work with Alpine head units. I am about to embark on the same project myself now in my FG. I had an old Sony xav-701 which I completely gutted and was going to fit the screen in the same place as the MK1 colour screen. It's a pretty easy fit but at the end of the day, it is a source unit which is coming close to being 10 years old. I pick up my Alpine ilx-w650 today. Just need to get the canbus adapter working on the Hvac.
  5. Happy Birthday bob^!

  6. Happy Birthday bob^!

  7. Happy Birthday bob^!

  8. bob^

    World War 3 ?

    So you people going on about religion happily go to work on Christmas day yeah?
  9. Finally, someone who has shown it is possible to do on a budget. Good work mate! I was planning on doing the same, even though everyone was telling me to just trade it in for a T. But being in the market for a house has put those plans on hold for a while...
  10. It's easy to remove once you take the whole A pillar trim off. Just take the door seal off in that area and pop it off. Then you just drill the rivet out.
  11. You will (I assume) need a composite to RGB converter. You can get a good one for about $300 from http://www.carconverters.com.au/products/S...verter/236.html I use one of those in my BA and can't fault it. Although I only have an Alpine DVD headunit, not the hub
  12. I hope it's not too late but don't do it! You can buy the plug for like 15 bucks. Aerpro make it and it is to suit the factory Toyota radio from early to mid 90's
  13. I make a box that lets you interface the standard controls with after market decks (only Alpine at this stage though). Although I have been slack with it and haven't got my new design finished. If all you want is DVD's though, then you can get some decent stand alone DVD players and run it into the AUX input of the factory deck.
  14. That can be done with relays, but really, why would you want to? The whole reason behind putting in an aftermarket deck is for its features, and because the factory one sucks. So why would you want to keep using it after going to the troubles of fitting another?
  15. You will need to relocate the power source if you wish to retain it. I suggest wiring up a plug under the dash somewhere, or under the front seats. Another option is to put it inside the centre console. For the speakers, you will need to find the wires for them in the kick panels, and cut the wires. Then joining the wires from your headunit to the wires you have cut, insulating the ones that go to the ICC as they will no longer be used.
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