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Al Bundy

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About Al Bundy

  • Birthday 05/06/1964

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  1. Happy Birthday Al Bundy!

  2. Happy Birthday Al Bundy!

  3. Happy Birthday Al Bundy!

  4. Happy Birthday Al Bundy!

  5. Liquid gas injection is awesome. Different to the Vapour gas injection. More rwkw from factory 193 to 215 in standard trim. nothing modified. 2004 Ba XRT Auto Gas Injection in Frankston. New St. Got the donut tank to keep the boot space. Not sure on waiting periods but worth it. http://www.apsservicecentre.com.au/products.aspx?cat=53
  6. I have a BA XR6 Turbo 2004 model I was lucky enough through various sites to decide to use the the new Liquid LPG injection introduced July08 this year as apposed to the Vapour LPG system. I checked with Ford as I as I had their Ford Solutions extended warranty policy and didnt wish to void. Ford advised me that only the parts that touch the LPG are no longer covered by the Ford Warranty. (For instance recently had the water pump, heater shaft & diff seal cover fixed under this extended warranty & the car was already on LPG). I had the Liquid Gas conversation done through Auto Gas Injection in Frankston & Rob there was excellent. It was the first turbo car they installed and tested this new liquid gas system technology. I have kept the car in standard trim and when they were tuned the car the following comparative figures were achieved on rear wheel kw. Car had done 77,600 km when the lpg was installed From factory it produces 193 rwkw. After their tune on petrol I got 197 rwkw After their tune on liquid inj LPG it produced 215 rwkw !!! That is 11.3% power improvement from factory on LPG & 9.13% from their tune. Example I travelled from Melbourne to Port Pirie in S.A. did about 1100km cost aprox $100 !!!!! Over taking with a full car load of luggage & people was a breeze. LPG power band worked perfectly. Economy, I had installed the 40 litre donut gas tank to have the boot space & was getting highway cycle 340km to tank. City cycle 220 km to a tank driving without been conscious of economy. A friend of mine & his friend had also converted the Ford Territories. Like me the cost of fuel was going through the roof to run these cars with families. Loved the cars & didnt wish to sell them. Wrapt now. Car has done 12000kms without missing a beat. LUV It & recommend to anyone thinking of converting.
  7. Hi TurboTaxi, Just a question on the system, do you have to run the car on pertrol from time to time or have you purely just run it on lpg & leave a qtr tank of petrol in it. Was sort of economy comparison between fuels do you get? Considering converting my car to LPG Thanks
  8. Hi, its been awhile since I posted here, but have come across a new problem that has happened to a friend. On hot days it would be wise to look at your rear bumper in the middle (just under the boot line). You might find it curves up towards the boot. There is no support on the bumpe in this area. He took his car & Ford are aware of the problem & are now working on a solution to combat this problem (no solution yet). With summer upon us, and if your car is in direct sunlight & heat, check your rear bumper for defect. Get your car checked.
  9. Great info here, as I have also experienced fade out. I also get like a small whistling noise from the engine when at very low speeds (eg like taking a corner under a very light foot). My power seems to vary after that. Not sure if its like a vacuum leak. Has anyone experienced similar problems. Apart from that the car is perfect at 7000kms
  10. Congrats.... Dont stop driving... did 1100 km first week, as they say after waiting 4mths for Jan built car, I couldn't get enough....
  11. I so confused but I suppose it comes done to the servos dont stuff around with the fuel. I have found Mobil to be the best for performance & mileage the Caltex.
  12. Certain dealers refuse to do mods, & a closer look they are the better ones with service & care. To imitate another car will in the long run I believe ruin its value, but each to their own. I personally wanted an arm rest avaliable but advised no. There are a couple of Xr Turbos in Melb now with XR8 bonnets, only know of 1 dealer who done this, after the owne insisted. Personally I believe Ford show clamp down on fake XR cars as it could undermind the reputation of the product, that my opinion.
  13. Who is your service Dealer... Also deos anyone know the painting process at Ford for bumpers, skirts & wings?
  14. What was actually wrong and how did they finally agree as I need to tackle this issue now with my bumpers as I am not happy Jan! They go into a grey type colour in bright light. other manufacturers are pretty close with their bumpers. Can cope if not exact but looks pretty stupid in strong sunlight. Also found they side of the bonnett(under top) they missed painting the top coat (not as noticable as I have a black car).
  15. XRUTE.6 UTEXR.6 2 others... Vic roads are pretty patient...
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