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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    No one really knows. The only thing certain is that it will go up. Oh and just because a car is selling well does not mean an update will not occur. If the Expensive Daewoo pull off the VZ really well then Ford have no choice but to react to these changes. Who knows, maybe the Territory will get BA2 running gear. Anything is possible.
  2. I wouldn't think that the induction temp alone would cause this. Has anyone considered bonnet venting?? Simple cure for heat. May be a little bit expensive but would help is disapating engine bay heat and lowering induction temps.
  3. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    I think this would depend on the following factors: 1. Price of the BA2 (likely to go up slightly) 2. Equipment of the BA2 (new gearboxes are likely to hurt resale of BA1) 3. Any large discounting of BA1 on change over to BA2. In relation to point 3, Ford is already offering discounting on XT ($3,000 worth of free goodies) and is offering Driveaway pricing on high end models. Depends on the above factors. I am waiting for series 2 as it is too close to call now whether to buy BA1 or wait for BA2. I choose to wait. Oh and is doing the same for the Focus (ie offering mid spec model for base model price).
  4. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    I agree with what you say. Maybe the VZ Late model camira will prompt Ford into action. In terms of the Impreza, the model is updated each and every year. The MY04 model got colour coded bodykit and seat belt minder over the MY03. They do it every year but I wouldn't say they were major changes. Even MY02 to MY03 was only front end styling and VVT on the engine + some minor dash and trim enhancements. But this is not about Subaru so I'll leave it at that.
  5. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    The BA I came out Sept 02. So if the time span was the same as for the AU this would put BA II on the showroom floor Apr 04. Model run of 1 year 7 mths is not to bad. The AU series ran from Sept 98 to Sept 02. 4 years with the one body style (excluding the bonnet changes on Forte and Futura).
  6. Cypher

    Speed Kills

    It is times like these that make me think the P platers should not be allowed to drive fast and powerful. Heaps of power in inexperienced hands can only lead to one thing, especially when they are males. An unfortuante waste of young lives.
  7. Excuse my ignorance but what is the minimum for P platers?
  8. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    Did he mention anything regarding the gearbox, especially the manual?? That's what I am interested in as is probably everyone else.
  9. Anyone have pics of the XR Sports Seats??
  10. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    My tip is 2nd Quarter 2004. Why? BA went on Sale Sept 2002 so it is unlikely that BA 1 will run for 2 years. So that means it should be due before Sept 04. VZ is due Aug 2004 and engines are known and it has a confirmed new V6 and 5 speed auto (Gen 4??). So if Ford are smart they want to release BA 2 no later than Aug 04. New Escape is due Jan with 2.3l engine. So not in Jan 04. New Fiesta is due April. April is also out. Territory is due June 04. Maybe June for BA 2 as the Territory uses the same engine and box combo (5spd auto for Territory??) So the best strategy would be May or June 04. Note that HSV plans to release the Coupe 4 in May.
  11. I found the guys out at Gregory's to be OK. McGrath Woden never called me to arrange test drive of XRT. Besides all the dealers in Canberra seemed to push the sale unlike the couple of dealers I visited in Sydney.
  12. Cypher

    Spec For Xr6t

    The Turbo is a Garrett GT40. Ball bearing type with steel inlet wheel. This turbo is rated to flow 900hp so you wont need to change it.
  13. Cypher

    Ute Colour

    Any one seen the colour Lightning Strike?? Any picks of one. I think it is a new colour that has just been added
  14. 5.3 is pretty good BLKXRT. That will keep you ahead of most of most things!! You running any more boost than standard??
  15. Awesome ute....love the wheels
  16. Just a quick one. Does anyone have any hard stats on 0 - 100 km/h sprint and 1/4 mile times for the Turbo ute in Manual and Auto? I have heard that they are faster than the sedan thanks to the rear suspension. The only official (if that's what you can call it) was from a Ford dealer that quoted 0 - 100 at 5.6secs? No one seems to have reviewed the ute so I am finding it hard to get any details. Thanks in Advance. :D
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