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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. Cypher

    Blind Spots

    If you have driven in Germany you would have noticed that the drivers mirror concaves at the end allowing you to see the blind spot. What this means is that you can see the car in the drivers side door mirror until you can actually see it at the A pillar. So no blind spot!! Brilliant thing as I did not have to turn my head once when driving in Germany. Now if we could only get these mirrors in Oz.
  2. Cypher

    0-100 Time

    Whoops! Sorry, I'll close the door.
  3. September Do a search for BA Series 2 and you should find heaps of info. Oh and Welcome to the forum
  4. Looks like FPV where tight lipped about the manual box. Interesting how they said they upgraded it but didn't want to say what. Oh well only time will tell.
  5. So the new BA with the crome stripe over the boot will effectively be a series 2? Maybe not called a series 2. Any other confirmed changes?? Body or otherwise.
  6. The text says this is not a real car. That guy is a dreamer.
  7. Interest that. Current wheels quotes the XR6 Auto sedan at 1,772kg as they weighted it with full tank of fuel. So that would be approx 1,700kg with no fuel?? Auto ute will be approx (1,755 + 45) = 1,800kg no fuel So there should be approx 100kg more in the ute. But what would happen if you take the rear tray off? It apparently comes in at 250kg? So one will know this. Has anyone driven the car without the rear tray?? Does it make a big difference? Traction issues?
  8. Sedan is 1645kg and ute is 1755kg for manual. Add 70kg for the auto. This is what I remember from the Ford brochure.
  9. Thanks towie. Oh and the site is working now! (from PF)
  10. Cypher

    Sunroof In Ute

    I think they go for $1,500 to $2,500 depending on what you get. I don't think it will add anything to resale but then again its all about what you want. You didn't buy it for someone else did you? Is there any body rigidity issues with fitting a sunroof to a ute??
  11. What about this. Typhoons are rates on a scale using F1 (low) to F5 (very severe). F6 Typhoon. You get the drift. Or so I have heard.
  12. You have seen the 6pd auto! Any specs / details? When is it due? Does anyone think the Territory will have BA2 running gear??
  13. I would also suggest you also have a look at what the Japanese have done with the Supra. After all it is a Japanese car and they love drag racing. The Japanese do tend to change the V160 at about 900 - 1000hp mark as most drag racing Supra's run a twin turbo set up (read loads of torque). I will find out more info and relay it as it becomes available.
  14. Itsn't the SSS auto just the old box with new shift programing? Oh and the shifter has changed. Info please? Has the box changed that much from the one used in AU3?
  15. You mean like,............... an honest salesman? Dude, stop takin' dem pills! It'll never happen! Saleman will spin any sh*te they can to make you sign. But why would they say something that would make you not sign???
  16. Supra weight is 1490 - 1590kg depending on year and specs. Specs on the V160/161 at: http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/getrag/sp...pecs/index.html I have also attached a spreadsheet that you can play with (found at www.mkiv.com). Allows you to play with tyre and diff size and calcs the expected engine rpm in each gear at certain mph. The lightest I have ever seen a supra is around the 1,300kg mark. Has anyone considered the toyota R154 or W58 box?? getrag_233_ratio_info.zip
  17. Why would the salesman say something that would cause him to lose the sale (well defer it)? He/she needs that commission today, not 6 months from now. My experience has been they will do anything to secure the sale. Maybe this is a new breed of salesman?? :lol:
  18. http://www.en.getrag.de/176/176 for more info.
  19. Getrag Box Specs Type - 233 Torque capacity - to 490 NM (361 ft/lb) Centre distance - 85mm Weight - 51.0 kg Gears - V160 (3.827,2.360,1.685,1.312,1.000,0.793, Rev 3.280) - May 1993 to May 1996 Gears - V161 (3.724,2.246,1.541,1.205,1.000,0.818, Rev 3.192) - June 1996 to July 2002 2JZ-GTE puts out 343NM at approx 1250rpm. Max torque is 435NM @ 3,600. Note that box has very rarely if ever failed with these load ratings. Further these boxes have handled at least 820NM. Hope this helps some what. As with all things the more you push it the lower is its life expectancy.
  20. Where do I sign?? For the ute of course :D
  21. I use a guy in Sydney but I have used: Autoco in Philip - Not to bad on price and did a great job on a Silvia we had. Tony Farugia in Fyshwick - Don't know price as was insurance job but quality of work was good.
  22. Cypher

    Cooling Turbo

    Vik Can you explain why you don't have to let the turbo spin down / cool down after driving it?? What has Ford done that stops the usual need to let the whole thing cool down for a minute after driving?
  23. Who knows. These car ratings could be a push to get the RX8 and WRX to sell. No waiting list on these cars. In fairness to the RX8, Topgear clocked the RX8 as quick as the M3 on their track tests. That's not to shabby. On a side note to the WRX brigade, not everything is about 0 - 100 times. What about the 80 to 110km times?? This is what makes or breaks a sports car. IMO.
  24. Because it's all commercial CRAP True. At least it scored better than the Holdens!
  25. Cypher

    Series II XR6T

    Can we assume this will be a BA2 model??
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