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Honest Gaza

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About Honest Gaza

  • Birthday 02/03/1964

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    The Thief of BadGags

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  1. In reference to the earlier comment that all petrol is the same......occasionally, my Megane RS250 struggles for the first 30secs when it has been parked outside during the day. I only use Shell and Caltex (98 RON). I have only encountered this problem when I have filled up with Caltex. I cannot recall it ever happening with Shell. A couple of Months ago, my Son borrowed the car and mentioned that he filled up the tank for me. During the following week, I had the issue of rough idling on cold start. I asked him if he could tell me which fuel he used....you guessed it...Caltex. So I find it hard to believe that they are the same fuel.
  2. Happy Birthday Honest Gaza!

  3. VixF6 - Ken would have welcomed you into the HgAg Club. We ruled back then.
  4. When I was looking at F6's in Oct / Nov I had the same feeling...asking price was too high (or there was an unwillingness from the Dealer to negotiate on price). Key to this was the fact I was looking for an "FPV"...F6 or GT We had a 2010 FG XR6 to trade in (but not a deal breaker) with approx. 51,000 Ks on the clock...and in good nick. Looking at Cars Sales I figured I could sell it privately for $15K..and was generally offered $11-$12k by the Dealers. Examples of what we looked at (all had similar KM's of less than 20,000ks) : 2013 White F6 $56K (plus on-road costs) - Dealer didn't even try to move on price 2013 Petroleum F6 $53K (plus on-road costs) Warwick Farm - Dealer may have moved slightly but Manager didn't appear interested in actually selling it...this is the one we would have purchased 2013 White F6 $53K (plus on-road costs) - ruled itself out through poor results of test drive...modded 2013 White GT 69K (plus on-road costs) - Dealer came down to $60K (plus on-road costs)...but probably indicated it was over priced to begin with 2013 Petroleum GT $59K (plus on-road costs) Rockdale - This is the one we purchased. From the beginning, this Dealer looked like he wanted to sell a car. He asked if we had a trade in and we declined as we said that a Dealer would not offer what we considered would be "reasonable". He responded with "you might be surprised"...so while we took his GT for a test drive, they looked over our XR6. Then ensued a 3Hr period of friendly banter, negotiations, umming and arring...and claims of "we can't do it for that"...etc etc. My Wife was interested in the F6...I was interested in the GT, but would have been equally happy in the F6. They asked us for a price that would close the deal, and my Wife nominated a figure which even I thought was "too low". Anyway, they came to a figure which I would have taken, but the Wife held out as she wanted me to take the F6 for a test drive before making a final decision (she had already taken a test drive in it). The Dealer could see we were serious buyers and they wanted to do 2 things : * Sell the car * Stop us from leaving and buying one elsewhere. So the end result ? We drove off in the GT (14,000kms on the Clock), they organised Finance there and then (5.89%), we left behind our XR6 as a Trade-in...and the change-over price (Drive Away).....$40K. You can make your own valuations on what component was trade in and what was the car value...changeover is all that matters. Got to be happy with that...and we are. (As a side note...the XR6 has since been placed on Car Sales by the Dealer for $19,990 plus on-road costs)....what were those famous words from that great Aussie Movie ?... :-) )
  5. Thanks PA...certainly looks better than the original Yellow and Black plates that came with it.
  6. Just got 335-FRD on FPV plates for my for my 2013 GT...pretty happy with that :-)
  7. ???? Mine was in for a Service on Thursday (15,000Ks)....no mention of an Engine Recall
  8. Yep...good times those Buf-Phoon...remember the weekend well. While I'm pretty sure my car is in the second shot, I know it isn't in the shot on the Dam Wall. We had a Son who was not taking kindly to the windy roads and fast braking and acceleration...and was chucking up at that point. We had to watch about a km short of the Dam while everyone was lined up for the photo.
  9. Very nice. Agree with the earlier comments...F6 and White go hand in hand.
  10. Sorry to tell you BB2020...but that loose hose cost your dealership a sale. My original preference was an F6 (in White)...but went with a GT
  11. Ahhhhh...the memories of XR6T cruises The highlight being the one to the Snowy Mountains when all the different coloured XR6Ts were lined up on top of the Dam....good times.
  12. And here is a teaser of the newly washed FPV GT
  13. Nice. Was looking for an F6 in White myself but went with a Petroleum GT. The white looks good on the F6.
  14. 2013 August Build, Petroleum Grey (with Hockey Sticks), Auto, Leather, 13,500ks on the clock. (would have liked the Sat-Nav but oh well) Why the F6 over the GT ? Well to be honest, the Dealer offered a deal that the Wife and I couldn't refuse....so the GT it was. Pics to come but I have to make sure they are worthy first...not some cheap-arse camera-phone shots
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