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While the idea of buying now is generally sound , your example above is irrellevent . In your instance (and mine for eg) houses have appreciated markedly in the last 3 or 4 years,in which case buying yesterday or today NOW makes a lot of sense . However almost certainly rises this will NOT happen for the next 4+ years Very Mild rise or likely drops will occur. Putting $$ into something now which does not rise for 3 or 4 years is doing one thing -loosing money.Better off sticking it in a alternative source (shares/term deps / funds ) which should return a % for a couple of years , when rednut is ready to buy the housing market will be getting ready to fire again he can move the funds out to it.
Ally?? It's not a general V8 problem - it is when it's a heavy lump of low-revving cast iron though.
Wow - that's ridiculous , I have been to umpteen one dayers and tests at the SCG and there is always dozens of hobby photographers with pretty trick looking gear about . I also used to know a bloke who took rolls and rolls of film every match at SCG and North Syd oval ,including pics of players who used to sign them after- never did anyone question anything ,and why would they- what's the country coming to ?? I'd be writing a letter to the SMH letters section - better chance of action and understanding than the telegraph with Cricket , at least to highlight what the SCG are doing . regards:blink:
No offence intended but I find this a rather strange observation- Do you have any idea what you are on about?? H olden Commodores and Ford Falcons "target" crowd are very much one in the same . Which is why the cars are so similar in size ,packaging , price and every other tangible and non-tangible area.
No offence - you are a fair dinkum imbecile. Hopefully your just a 13 year old,because it disturbs me to think your post was written as an adult. As an aside ,if you even remotely knew anything about "profits before safety" you should know that the Ford Motor Co have a very long and unproud tradition of doing just that .Do some research on Henry Ford the man, type "ford pinto" into google if your capable. here's a small excerpt from one such page: "The most notorious case involving a punitive damage award is the Ford Pinto. In the early 1970s, Ford Motor Company did an analysis of the costs and benefits of relocating the gas tank on the Pinto to take it out of the "crush zone" and greatly reduce the likelihood of fires and explosions in rear-end collisions. The predicted cost: $11 per vehicle. The benefits: 180 lives would be saved and 180 serious burn injuries prevented each year. Ford decided that the benefits of saving 180 lives a year did not justify the costs. Ford calculated that it would have to pay $200,000 per death compensation and $67,000 per injury, for a total of $49.5 million - a lot to you and me, but cheaper to Ford than just fixing the problem. Of course, the public eventually learned that the Pinto had a tendency to explode in rear-end collisions, and victims and their families sued the company. A jury, indignant over Ford's callousness, awarded $125 million in punitive damages - 600 times Ford's predicted cost to pay for their victim's firey deaths. It wasn't until after juries awarded punitive damages - an unpredictable cost that didn't fit into their cost benefit analysis - that Ford fixed the problem. "
Agreed all round - sure way to p$ss me off!! Worst cases - 1 / at roundabouts , I once almost got cleaned up by a guy turning right but just going around with no indicator and had the hide to blow his horn at me - bloody 4WD owners. 2 /peak hour busy two lane road , stop second behind a car in right lane at lights , as not indicating , presume going straight through like yourself. Only when lights go green very slowly creeps forward and puts on indicator - you get stuck in right lane behind the inconsiderate w@#ker ! aarrrggghh. As velvet glove says above -it justs a decent thing to do . Obviously lacking in this day and age.Fair dinkum .
There's got to be room for Justin Hodges . He is a total toss pot , the roosters seem to be full of them - michael crocker /justin hodges/chris walker/ shannon hegarty /ricky stuart / All of them are cheap -shot merchants.
Leave it to the track fellas . Not only because it's the sensible and right thing and your not gonna slam into my wife/mother/father/sister coming the other way, but traffic light drags have ZERO cred .Too many varibles , and no reliable witnesses either . I could claim to any number of kills but who's to say who was trying and who wasn't . Sorry to be a :cussing:
I love those Nordic women , where was that site again . barsweden or something ??
Interesting about the Chassis limit, 300kw? Wonder how that affects some of the Expensive Daewoo boys modded cars out there. I would have thought that these days the factory power vs the design limitations of the vehicle would be quite a big gap, obviously maybe not. Seems that engine development and power technology is fast leaving chassis and body building technology behind? The other question is does anyone know the Chassis limit of the T? With some of the guys in 350rwkw territory and guys like BCL taking the next step to 400 what's the T's limitations? BCL out of interest have you looked into this side of the development of your T? A manufacturers idea of "chassis limitations" are very different to those of an enthusiast or the aftermarket . Its no coincidence then ,why "tuners" generally don't offer 3 year factory backed warranty either.
Ultimately that just about sums it up . Thank you Mr Ryan and thanks Mr "never passed a driving test"Carr .
Problem is Plonky - what's the alternative ??? Don't tell me John Brogden, because he too, is totally inept . More of a Labour mould - full of promises and rebuttals but nothing else. "I challenge Mr Carr ..." etc ... Typical opposition leader only . That's why fools like Bob Carr are re-elected.
17 grand for the engine and box???? You can't be serious surely ???
Bloody school holidays should be banned ! I've had a couple of cars vandalized over the years(egged ,stuff stolen off ute , aerial bent,doorlock screwdrivered ) and all apart from one happened on school holidays . No surprise that its hols now . Sorry to hear it but sounds like the paint should be OK .
"Women are also more demanding when it comes to cars, said Volvo product planner Lex Kerssemakers. "Women are more critical and have far higher expectations than men," he said. What a load of horsesh$t !! Most woman I know are nowhere near as demanding as blokes when it comes to cars. Biggest female market = sub $15000 shopping carts .Most chicks I know are more than happy to drive a bog-stock Mirage , can't say the same about most guys though.