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About dashturbo

  • Birthday 25/04/1983

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    My Car (Duh!) Kayaking, Mountain Bike riding, Rachel ... pretty standard stuff really.

    oh and mashing fat skids.. in my pants

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  1. Happy Birthday dashturbo!

  2. Happy Birthday dashturbo!

  3. Happy Birthday dashturbo!

  4. Happy Birthday dashturbo!

  5. Nah, I'm 6 foot, I think the seat is a little low and small.. Its out of a Honda Integra (wreckers) anyone else got Dirt 3? its friggin awesome!
  6. yeah I just got Dirt 3... can't stop playing it... the dose noises are awesome!
  7. it would appear nobody can... which is surprising because I would tend to agree it should be easy. I thought it would require 12V on ignition and that's it.. I'd be keen to hear if anyone has any more info.
  8. Yeah, I'd love to mash a fat one on wheel cam, a hard corner and some acceleration runs, but I'd lose my licence, and that's pretty lame..
  9. Thanks Guys, I filmed the whole thing on my iPhone, with some home made wooden mounts off the tow bar. But the home made MDF mount shows itself on the bottom left corner, needs a bigger hole for the lens!! Been trying to put a story together for youtube, with my brothers fairmont and XR4... But I just can't think of a good plot. Any ideas?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6bVq-hDfDM Enjoy!
  11. lets pretend I didn't just write 210mm and 220mm.... that is just part of the trico part number, probably refers to 21 and 22 inches
  12. You can definately get the Trico Neoforms, but they're application helper on the website isn't any help... You just need the lengths of the blades you want.. and that is it, the rest is history. so on an FG I measured 220mm on drivers side and 210mm on passenger and they are perfect, slightly bigger than the standards I think.
  13. Happy Birthday dashturbo!

  14. These have lasted nearly two years now... no streaks, noises or any ill effects.. http://web.me.com/danielmyles/Ford_Falcon_FG_Modifications_and_Alterations,_F6_Gauges,_One_Piece_Wiper_upgrade,_Glove_Box_Rattle,_Particulate_Filter,_Video/Ford_Falcon_FG_Mods_info/Entries/2009/6/14_One_Piece_Wipers.html
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