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About xr6_turbo_FPV

  • Birthday 09/04/1987

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  • Location
    Brisbane QLD
  • Interests
  • Member Title
    V8Motorsport Team.
  1. Happy Birthday xr6_turbo_FPV!

  2. Happy Birthday xr6_turbo_FPV!

  3. Happy Birthday xr6_turbo_FPV!

  4. Happy Birthday xyzracing!

  5. Happy Birthday 41uxy!

  6. Happy Birthday danj1976!

  7. Happy Birthday Kingo199!

  8. Happy Birthday xr6_turbo_FPV!

  9. sounds like a bit of a beast, has anyone got an pictures of it, cause I didn't get to the FPV day. :D
  10. probably.. I bet you no one here would :lol: I'd buy her a crapolla that she can smash all she wants, teach her a lesson. :D
  11. DAM that would of been a mad idea oh well. I had a go to him about fixing it so he did. More dollars then sense. set him back a bit as well, he had to buy a whole new front end.
  12. my uncle having purchased a phantom GT Pursuit, After his citric acid one on order got battery acid all over the engine and got sent back to melbourne, was driving into his driveway and through his front gate when he stoped or stalled it, something stupid and the automatic gate started to close and crunched the side of the car :tears: Then a week later his stupid wife drove into a car park and cracked the front spoiler on those concrete things it was a nice car, still is if u cover up all the scratches and dings on it. Some people really don't appreciate what they have.
  13. I'm not sure. That's a colour screen and mine is just the old crappy one. I made it on a 2100, so it isn't colour. I'm not sure worth a try I suppose, just send me a personal msg for the number if you want.
  14. The other day I finished making a GT logo for my nokia, it came out really good, ask LC I sent one to her as well. If anyone wants one just let me know, not too many otherwise u will send me broke. I also have an XR6 TURBO one that is about 50% done
  15. when I was down in sydney before you went onto the harbour bridge there was a big 'Lion Tamer' billboard and they car almost looked like it was there in real life. I reckon if they did more advertising of this slogan 'Lion Tammer' it would be a big hit, way bigger then 'Game Over'
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