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Everything posted by RHR

  1. RHR

    New Members Thread

    Just check out our sponsors section. There are a heap of tuners here send them a PM and see how you go
  2. So im taking the bloke is no longer a mate
  3. If you think it will affect your ABS you can now breath easy as it wont.
  4. OWE PAT!!!!!! you beat me... ..NOT HAPPY!!!!
  5. Fark that sux.. Id help out if I lived up that way
  6. ^ correct. It will be bigger when you become a donating member
  7. pitty its got the wrong bloody badge on it
  8. What a crappy drive to my folks place down the Sth coast. A trip that normally takes around 3 hrs (Around 300ks) took 6 farking hours today. Got to Nth Wollongong bumper to bumper to the Kiama By-pass. End of by pass to gerringong turn off well "Hello" bumper to bumper yet again. As soon as we arrived in nowra bumper to bumper from end to end. Just to add to the mix there was driving rain and some good thunder storms. Today I actually hated having a manual car
  9. Blueprint T towing a boat Sth bound Princes highway Ulladulla.
  10. Looks good to me. To me is looks a bit like a hatch back. Could just be the pic though. I dont think we will see a FG wagon due to the not so good sales and as others have said we already have the mighty terri
  11. Keen.. Be great to get some professional pics of the cars. Good for my garage
  12. Just dont destroy the premuim sub.. I asked patsy the $$ for a new one. found out and fell off my chair
  13. First of all im only kidding. We're happily married..well.... The Mrs is happy and Im married... Now... The brother in Law is looking at getting hitched around the 4th April 2009 and we are looking at using my Shockwave T and another blue one. The wedding is gonna be in the engadine and wollongong area So if any one is keen please PM me and we can talk about the details Robbo
  14. 1. What is your new years resolution? - Loose the spare tyre and keg from my abdomen 2. Will you achieve it? - Yeah cause I have a 6 month old boarder collie who needs walking 3. How long before you give up? - Ive already started ... A couple of weeks ago. So far so good
  15. WTF.. Pat....nooooo Now the site has really gone to sh!t Nah mate....... Congrats
  16. Felief.. Just off to get some now....
  17. Got one in the making too.. Turf to surf... with a Visit to a railway museum and a very nice looking waterfall
  18. Not too keen on the jagerd silver edge. If it was round it would have looked better IMO
  19. Fark you were boared.. You could have come over my place and helped me pull down a shed, move two vegie gardens and fill in a hole that once had a rather lage tree stump in it. On another note ive always wondered what the XR rims would look like a darker colour or pianno black
  20. Well fingers crossed its just that.. Mate dont drive it what ever you do.. Could make your box sh*t its self
  21. Dude how you gonna back out of that one
  22. RHR


    What ever you DO NOT let ford charge you for it (if going in under warranty)
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