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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Just serviced mine too. Used Nulon that I bought last time it was on sale. Should go into town to get some more
  2. Happy Birthday RHR!

  3. Before you get it tinted try bob the tinter. He has tinted lots of cars in the sydney area and was doing special rates for forum members
  4. Pinned. This one needs to stay for all to see
  5. Did you at least see the old shaft or did they bin it?
  6. Id be blacking out the cooler. Top build BTW
  7. Closed as already existing thread on the subject
  8. And we would like to think if ever we were looked upon in more detail it would reveal that we are not condoning doing the wrong thing. Hence the reason for protecting the site's image
  9. We have site rules visible to all members for a reason. We have a warning system for minor breaches of forum rules. You must remember a warning is not THE END. It is more or less a log stating the warning and reason (reason in most cases)
  10. Discussed, restored. Rant over?
  11. Nothing has been deleted. It's just removed from view as its a touchy subject which is currently being discussed.
  12. That's one tidy lookin yoot. Congrats
  13. RHR

    Next Vic Cruise

    Agreed if more you spend half the night waiting for others to catch up
  14. How do you think I started here. I was just a member posting up ideas. If you have an idea PM one of us and we'll have a look at it. We can then start a thread on your behalf.
  15. Got any ideas as far as route,meeting points etc
  16. RHR

    Next Vic Cruise

    If someone wants to organise something PM one of us with the details. We'll have a look at and if all is good it will be posted in the relevant section. Been done before and it can be done again
  17. I know of something that'll fix that. It's called a car
  18. That's an image none of us needed
  19. Mt keira often features in the odd gong cruise. Heaps better since they've done a bit of re surfacing
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