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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Got any more info on the new V8
  2. RHR

    Next Meet

    Dont worry about me. What ever suits most is best
  3. Looks fine to me.... Ya need a hug.....
  4. Suspecting its the 5 speed id say its possibly on the way out coupled with a possible clutch issue.
  5. WTF... Tell us how you really feel.......
  6. Leave the loud button on. Its always on in my car
  7. Well its good to see there are some good service deps out there.. Ya gonna name where you had it done
  8. RHR

    Help My Xrt6

    We're here to help. Just next time HANDS OFF THE CAPSLOCK
  9. What you had a win with ford... Get out???
  10. the burnt cds, more so the individual tracks.. Were they once MP3's and converted back to CD
  11. No worries.. I bought the same one as you (fpv) Just had a look at the pics. The wheels are leather right?? Had an idea about putting some black shoe polish on yours. Once it drys it should be ok. Vinyl paint might also be ok. What have you got to loose
  12. RHR

    Next Meet

    Night run cause I now wont be coming I gotta work
  13. RHR

    Next Meet

    It cant be friday.. We dont want tab to come remember.....
  14. Yeah I have a BAmk II and its worth 40K
  15. I did a wheel change just yesterday and the t50 and t30 are the correct ones
  16. RHR

    Next Meet

    so you peckers got a day in mind yet??
  17. Another quality story bought to you by ford
  18. RHR

    Fpv Wheel

    Im in the Shire. Sutho shire pfffttt.
  19. RHR

    Fpv Wheel

    As the title says ive picked up an FPV wheel Are they easy to change and what size spanners/sockets are needed. Tks
  20. you will get nowhere fast with ford. Bite the bullet and buy some new rotors
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