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Everything posted by RHR

  1. RHR

    Next Meet

    Sounds fair enough to me
  2. Isnt it just a heavy duty tow bar
  3. RHR

    Next Meet

    ^ Your a thinker Lawns mowed now. Think its time for a beer..
  4. RHR

    Next Meet

    How much rain you had up there
  5. RHR

    Next Meet

    sweet fark all here gotta mow the farking lawns soon
  6. lol.. Anyway ppl I gotta bugger off to work. Solving porblems that ppl created is TOPS!!!!
  7. Yeah you and rooster were tearing it up
  8. Telling a mod they should be doing their job... that's 25% for you steve
  9. Yep Been using it for ages
  10. by changing the front will it actually make much of a difference?? The inner holes look pretty much the same size
  11. Yeah its pretty easy to do an engine oil change. The gear box will be tricky as youll need to get it on a hoist to pump the new oil back into it. If you have a yooot the diff shouldnt be too hard to do
  12. lol. Not a site I want to imagine
  13. I cant believe I almost forgot the "wife beater" Bonds navy blue singlet
  14. The mechanics may well put in "premium" oils that make them the best profit
  15. ya what. Did you have all them there cars. Bollocks
  16. Add stubbies and a flanno then perfect
  17. Nice looking car. I bet ford would have charged a fair bit for the buldge
  18. farm.... (trust you to mention Goat Jules)
  19. RHR

    Ba Abs Problem?

    Take it to your local mechanic they should be able to sort it out or at least figure out what the problem is
  20. Any updates Pat.. Have you checked the local pawn shop
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