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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Picked up 20l drum of GW for $162.80. Not bad hey. Gonna do a steel pan conversion whilst I'm doing the fluid change So Jet you've been running the furious kit hey. How have you found it. I've been looking at this one from fleabay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AUTOMATIC-TRANSMISSION-OIL-COOLER-FORD-TERRITORY-6-SPEED-AUTO-ZF-BYPASS-GEARBOX-/121147196333?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item1c34ef83ad&_uhb=1. Send a few messages to other members on there and no members have had any issues with it. Also received this reply from the seller "Hi theres alot of transmissions that come out with original brass fittings,and I have been doing transmissions for over 30 years and ive never seen any with corrosion on them,the fittings don't restrict oil flow at all...." Im just a bit concerned about the furious kit joining lines
  2. Changed the oil in both diffs on the ttg and also did the transfer case all in an hour or so
  3. RHR

    New Members Thread

    Disease that won't go away?
  4. That commo in that guise looks pretty bloody ordinary IMO.
  5. Its unfortunate that people find this out the hard way
  6. RHR

    Great Buy...

    Def a lot of car for your $$
  7. Shouldn't talk about your mum like that dingus
  8. More info needed. Was damage caused to your engine etc
  9. Just to clarify. These fittings to directly into the side of the box and the the rubber hoses go to the cooler yeah??
  10. Farking book face burn it Burn it with fire farkin!!!!
  11. Damn good things the TT's. Recently bought one and although its not a falcon it still brings a smile to my face when I sink the boot
  12. First of all. You know what words to add here.. Second of all. As above nah she is up at her folks place in Mittagong. Not farking happy bought the bastard outright for her for chrissy
  13. Scum sucking low life pieces of sh!t for stealing my wifes phone whilst she was at the park with the kids. Anyone wanna sell me a samsung S3
  14. Yeah I can see a bit of euro in them. Would love to have one a F6E one day
  15. Under the car on the inner side of the left chassis rail (whils looking at the rear of the car) and about half way along the car. Pretty much where the front and rear door end and start
  16. washed,claybard then polished the TTG. Waxing tomorrow
  17. Dinner too hot and I'm hungry = pissing me off
  18. Go see the quak mate. Ive had heart burn for as long as I can remember. Take either pariot or nexium. Works a treat
  19. Some moron deciding to lean on the passenger door of our TTG and leaving a rather large fine dent in the side.
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