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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Best way to assist in preventing it is to give the car a wax next time after you wash it. Once I have washed and rinsed my car I take the hose fitting off the end of the hose, turn the pressure down and run it lightly over the car. This should remove most of the water droplets from the car. Its kinda hard to explain. If there are a few left over I place a chamois over say the roof of the car and pull it slowly towards me. You can also invest in a good chamois. I have a kenco which you can buy for around 30 bucks
  2. Well then why would the ford Aust boss say the contrary to that. Drive Article
  3. Had a good time as well. Very nice sounding AU and it gets along very well too. Cant wait for the next one
  4. Probably Maquarie pass or around jaberoo. Might even keep going up Illawarra highway towards mittagong
  5. Got mine to. To say Well packaged is an understatement. I saw on the out side "photographs do not bend" felt a bit let down when there was no photo of the big fella inside.
  6. Yep still on. Think about 8 or so at this point
  7. Theyd look good with some nice rotors and callipers behind them
  8. But look at the interior. BF seats BF ICC (light silver) and the triangular piece (where gauge pod goes) is a darker colour, BF rear tail lights. bf inside door handles
  9. Its a bf but not a MKII. Looks like it may have been in a prang due to the BA front bar. Who every put the MKII badge on it did a sh*t job
  10. last I heard of Ken is that he's in Canada
  11. Dont think you need to post a similar link to that AGAIN
  12. You could get your tuner to put it on the dyno.
  13. Damned if you damned if you dont. So what PSI to these things run at at say 4000 rpm
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