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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Turbo wagon = cool. Are you putting an XR front end on it. Doing anything to the interior? Pics?
  2. RHR

    Man V Bull

    FMD that would hurt
  3. Short answer. No they arent stock as a rock. The only thing that would make them lower is all the crap they have to cart around. Stock power. standard ride height
  4. As with everything it will depend on how diligent you are in preventing things occurring. There are some products that you can buy that condition the leather/fabric
  5. Slow day hey. 6 hrs and 10 mins before I start work.
  6. Give your local dealer a call with the build date and possibly VIN. What is the build date BTW. If its june 07 0nwards it will still be under warranty required its under 100,000ks
  7. Sorry to hear that mate. Hope you can get back on you feet again soon
  8. Check out the classifieds section. Wanted to buy
  9. does the chrome/silver part unscrew? If it does there might be an allen/hex key inside. Other than that I got no idea either
  10. There will be no issues with the tail shaft as the diff sits in a cradle and does not move
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