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Everything posted by RHR

  1. the white one with the blue candy stripe down the middle of it. Some FPV ive never even heard of. Could be a tranny . Bit slow up the mountain too Yep it was a top run. Good to see the divided pack thing worked at the start. Thanks again Reg for organising a top cruise. My old man had a great time. Smicky I didnt realise F6's were able to shrink when oncoming cars get too close
  2. intelligent? I think not. makes you wonder what's gonna happen at the track
  3. lol at the reversing up hill
  4. Check out our sponsors section if not send them a pm. I know rapid has kits available
  5. smicky with that post GTFO
  6. Do it I say. Rap1d did it to his yellow Ba and it looked really good
  7. I bet that humidity is tops too
  8. good options sh!t rims. Go have a look at it, the only way to find out of if its good or not
  9. Just keep it upright and it will be fine. Been there done that and it was ok
  10. Sounds like its gotta come out. If you take it out what ever you DO NOT TURN THE ICC UPSIDE DOWN. There is a sticker on the unseen part of thr ICC from memory. Not sure if this is correct but if it is turned upside down you can pretty much throw the thing away
  11. Phooned, pics of the car/ would be good. Just to see how much of a sleeper it is
  12. well if you concider going to ford for the same thing 5 times then yeah
  13. 5 in 8 months . I thought I did ok doing three in a year. The Diff's good so far in my FG. No noise at all
  14. Good to read some good news for a change. Hope it keeps going for Ford Aust
  15. My current car gets better fuel economy than my dads old EF manual that he had. People believe that if the falcon uses say, .1 of a litre of fuel more than say a commonwhore its bad on fuel. My turbo still amazes me with its economy 10.3l /100 around town with mixed hwy driving
  16. Jim85. they are stock no mods what so ever. NIL, Nadda, Nothing, zip THE END I hope this clears it up for EVERY ONE!!
  17. I can hear the stooge hunter coming
  18. WD40 and a hammer should work. I take it you have removed the calliper You might need to back off the hand brake and spray the centre of the rotor
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