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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Yeh, well you know, some people get 'confused' ← Yes.. well we might leave it at that......
  2. Well last time I checked it had a turbo under the bonnet and that was about an hour ago
  3. Yeah and I reckon he'd change the name of the site to DBOSS.COM The first and only site dedicated to DBOSS ← Aahh!! Think of the possibilities, my cruise's would be monthly incorporating a different strip club everytime followed by a Brothers Kebab then off for some illegal street racing I would ban std cars from the site also anyone who drives a purple T Anyone who adds stripes to a non FPV will be banned for life as would de winging or adding neon's My mods would be Merv Skilleton Chopper Reid Carl Barron Andrew Dice Clay Vik 351 for the wog stooges And every friday night we would drive past Cro's house to have a laugh at his VW parked in the driveway Happy days ← Well a K&N and a 2nd intake are a mod so I guess im safe
  4. You also mentioned something about loss of power. Go over the turbo piping and check all the hose clamps. Do it even after ford touch it Rob
  5. They will not fit the BA on the front doors, as the insert is a different shape to the BF. You will see on the photos that they go up over the top, which the BA does not. Don't think you can modify the BA handles to fit BF inserts. ← If they are the same length I was thinking along the lines of putting the back BF inserts in the front of BA
  6. 99 model with high K's. ←
  7. Ninka Great pics of the work mate. I wouldnt have thought you needed a soldiering iron to change them. I wouldnt mind just getting the silver inserts just to break up the colour on the doors a bit. Any idea where I could get them
  8. that's why I try and avoid stuff that's made in china. And we thought our cars wer bad wrecked.bmp
  9. Time to start getting some power out of the territorys me thinks
  10. My BF T has done that a few times now. Stop the car and turn it off, but after a short dealy like 2 seconds the fans startup and run for a few minutes. Why dont the T's get Turbo timers? ← perhaps do a search??
  11. Well its the second last day of the week for me and I gotta head back up to sh1ts vill tomorrow night ← think you could narrow that down a bit ← Well its in NSW and it has crap roads.
  12. Yeah and I reckon he'd change the name of the site to DBOSS.COM The first and only site dedicated to DBOSS
  13. I would hope that your coming to bathurst.. You pulled out of this one as well as the last nasho run
  14. You obviously havent driven a quick one.. Road from Kiama to jamberoo is quite fun in a WRX
  15. The is only one sticker on my car and that's "fordxr6turbo.com"
  16. RHR

    Xbox 360

    Bring on playstation three with gran Turismo 5.. that's the only reason why I bought the Playstation 2
  17. Why would you wanna make a falc rear end look like a 380
  18. Mate there is few of us there. Im in the next suburb down and I have a few other mates in the shire with T's. ohh and there is Jeff (DBOSS) with his GT... Only kidding Jeff that's one GT Are you gonna come down to the photo shoot that RAP1D organised on Saturday. Oh You gotta get the 17th December off.. CRIUSE TO BATHURST!!!!
  19. So should we still go on saturday or wait for Rapids call
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