Cant say im as interested in it anymore.. Last years end wasnt right. If it would have been clean racing I would have no problem with kelly wining but the way he along with all the other Expensive Daewoo teams did it was not right. I agree with other ppl in regard to the HRT fiasco. I would not be good for the sport if they were not there and I think that every man and their dog knows that big nose does not own the team. I do believe that if they have stuffed up and trued to hide somehting they should be penalised IE make them sit out a round.. I also agree that if it was say FPV that were been looked into for the same reason things would be different. I am saying this based on the bad decisions that went holdens way last year. Its sad to see this sport go down the sh!tter and I will never be as good as when Ambrose was around. TEGA if they are been one sided better take a good look into themselves before it gets any worse.