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Everything posted by RHR

  1. Mine did it last cruise that we did. Bout 4th Gear in the rain.
  2. Good power for a stocker
  3. RHR

    G6et Ordered

    Nice work mate
  4. Mate just see how it drives. If it makes any weird noises then spend your cash some where else
  5. The choice is yours. Buy one and run the risk of getting caught = big fine and you loose a sh*t load of points Or Be a law obiding driver Pretty simple really
  6. RHR

    New Members Thread

    Welcome mate.. By the sounds of it your my brother Dave's mate
  7. RHR

    Next Meet

    Do your mods you wont be dissapointed on this cruise
  8. Good info fellas had no idea about the retail and wholesale pricing
  9. also listen for diff whine and have a good look under the car for damage
  10. RHR

    Next Meet

    What a night Nasho TOPS good pace untill Stanwell park Farking glorified toyota (Lexus) holding us up. NOT HAPPY O and reg we're so sorry that u you cant reach the speed limit as quick up Mt ousley but there is a little blcok box than can fix this The road from wilton to appin was damn good too Oh and pat you have a very angry car mate Looking forward to the next one Good to see that everyone had a good time Dont forget Bathurst cruise on the 19th October
  11. RHR

    Next Meet

    So fellas clear night should = clean cars.. No excuses
  12. RHR

    Next Meet

    sedate.. And im the prime minister....
  13. RHR

    Dyno Tune

    Would it help it grip??
  14. RHR

    African Scammers

    And the sad thing is that ppl will reply to them. Ive been getting a heap of emails saying ive won cash and all that I need to do is send $$ to claim my prize
  15. RHR

    Next Meet

    agreed. I might come along for a quick squirt tonight. Got a 5 am start tomorrow morn so it will have to be a quick one
  16. RHR

    FPV Xr6t

    I think ive just found my new sig Hey I should send him a pm to come have a look
  17. RHR

    FPV Xr6t

    So rob.. As a GT owner now how does it feel
  18. 5% youd hardly be able so see yourself in that thing
  19. Well that would explain his cheap prices
  20. Mate Got BaMKII and no such issues here. Ive never heard of torque limiting. Have you driven another manual T to see what its like
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