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Everything posted by RHR

  1. looks like way way too much. Ive done over 100k and I have the slightest bit of movement. I have been running a 10psi tune for around 2 years now with no dramas
  2. RHR

    Turbo Gasket?

    doesnt look like it does much. Just look like the bracket supports the turbo
  3. RHR

    Swmbo's New Car

    very smart looking car. Bit of a sleeper
  4. Even though I really dont like holdens I have to admit the VE in SS or HSV form look pretty good
  5. Yes there sure are some space cadets driving commonwhores.
  6. RHR

    Next Meet

    So whats going on. Surely there must be more keen for bathurst
  7. RHR

    A380 Airbus

    I still cant believe that something that is over 500 tonns can get off the ground
  8. Please wait while I bang my head against the wall.. STICKERS LOOK SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bled plenty of brakes here. Most recent were a HD Expensive Daewoo X2 my old man is doing up and they were done the "normal" way
  10. Thanks fellas Yeah pat did a top job All sweet for week end now Merc silver t and a litning strike Tough Now lets just hope she turns up on the day
  11. Ib ill put ya in when ya confirm Ras351 come on man it will be a top week end
  12. Senna can you make a few calls for me. I wanna get something "locked in"
  13. Hey ppl Got a problem Cant get incontact with Scubzz who was gonna help me out with his silver t. Problem is that my wedding is this week end and if I cant contact him we wont have a car.. So who can help. Who ever puts their hand up will have pick up the bridal party at heathcote. Does someone know Scubzz personaly that might be able to give him a call for me. HELP Robbo
  14. Bells to Bathurst Cruise 19th October 2008 This cruise applies to all NSW Members :banghead: In order for every body to have a good time, a few rules have been implemented. Failure to abide by these rules will ensure you are not invited to future events held by FordXR6Turbo.com. The reasons for these rules are: • Safety – We don't want to put any of our members, and the general public in any danger. • Public Perception – We do not want the Ford XR6 Turbo community to face the same ridicule and stereotypes other car communities face The rules are simple: • Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...Any breaches will be reported to the local police. • There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members. There is also a designated cruise anchor that will stay at the back of the cruise. You must not overtake the cruise leader, or fall behind the anchor. If you have to stop or drop back for what ever reason, the anchor will stay back with you. • Use the Buddy system; always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost. • CB Radio's; if you don't have one, follow the maps, and directions given out. If you do have one, please limit chatter during the twisty parts of the cruise. This will allow the cruise leader to relay information about road conditions, upcoming obstacles, etc. efficiently. • By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it's Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Organisers, or Owners responsible/liable for any damage and/or grief sustained (simply; if you stuff up it's your fault, not ours). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me on the day. Details of the cruise and travel details Meeting Point BP Servo/ McDonalds which is located on the corner of Old Windsor Rd and Celebration Drive Glenwood. Its on the south bound side and every one needs to be there around 8.30am on Sunday morning We will be driving on Bells Line of road all the way to Lithgo. From Lithgo we will head on to Bathurst for some laps. Now by time we'll be getting pretty hungry so we will be stopping for lunch at Panthers Bistro. So once we've stocked up back to the mountain for a final couple of laps then back we go to Sydney I will hand out a cruise info sheet on the day. It will include directions Now for the attendance list. Robbo Lord Cyric +1 ravenhard onboost iTec rap1d Butto DRAXF6 Buf-Phoon Turboboy iconic bionic Sofy Dctodd Our06t
  15. sounds great now lets hope it's as good as the UK one
  16. only 5 hrs hey.. Damn early in her time in driving. She'll have to get used to it when she gets on her P's
  17. RHR


    Id be thinking that the spline could also be different
  18. Just a quick question as to why since the new look forum has been up an running I have to log back in to the forum almost every time. Has this been done on purpose?? Just before I was in active for around 10-15mins and I had to re log in
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