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Lord Cyric

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About Lord Cyric

  • Birthday 26/09/1973

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney, NSW
  • Interests
    Senior Presales Solution Architect
    @ Frontline Systems Australia

    - Computers (SANs, Internet Security, Linux, HPUX, Perl)
    - Sports (Cricket, AFL, Rugby Union, Basketball, ProWrestling)
    - Aquariums (have a 6'x2'x2' tropical fishtank)
    - TV (Babylon 5, CSI, South Park, Pimp My Ride, Whose Line Is It Anyway?)
    - Music (Metallica, Audioslave, Linkin Park, Powderfinger, U2, Pearl Jam, Coldplay)
  • Member Title
    Just sit back and enjoy the ride...!

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  1. Happy Birthday Lord Cyric!

  2. Happy Birthday Lord Cyric!

  3. Happy Birthday Lord Cyric!

  4. Swans v Hawks... no Tippett tonight (late scratching)... hope the boys can dig deep & clip those birds! GO THE BLOODS!

  5. BOO! Just had a birthday lunch with Cro (Happy B'day, ya mug!) and we were reminiscing about the "legendary incident book". Then we started thinking about this year's Snowy Cruise. God, it's been a while since my last jaunt down there. Put me down as a maybe for now while I get my leave sorted out. Hmmm... will have to check if my in-car CB radio still works. Haven't turned it on in a very long time....
  6. Happy Birthday xr6t_menace !

  7. Happy Birthday JK 47!

  8. Happy Birthday Barry Blue!

  9. Happy Birthday Lord Cyric!

  10. At da moffies to see Johnny Depp be a mad & out of date vampire... "Dark Shadows"

  11. Argh! A piss poor 1st qtr by the Swans cost them the game against Adelaide. An extra 5 secs on the game clock would have allowed Jared McVeigh to snap a winning goal from 30m out, but it was not to be...

  12. T.F.I.F. Enough said!

  13. Ahhh, the weekend... how lazy do you make me feel on this fairly below average day???

  14. Off to Yumcha for lunch in the city. Or as my kittehs would say if they were allowed to go... "Time for Ultimate Nom Noms!!!"

  15. Been a long time since I have prowled the CBD on a "work day". The wildlife is have changed a little, yet they're still quite interesting... *duck*

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