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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. Personal preference =in studio mode , loud on , crank up base to max, treble @ approx 75% , Fade and balance as appropriate, volume about 19-20. Should be ok for those who like it hard and fast.eg Birdman, Iggy ,Saints, Ozzy , et al, Rear windscreen vibrates and shimmers nicely. Bear in mind this is a car unit not a home thunderbox.That said it is OK , but I expected more for $1k large Have a good un
  2. Zak In advertising terms you CANNOT , make claims that you cant support , ie IGA would have to honour the chit.Misleading advertising ,ACCC & all that The soap powder commentary was a curio only as I am very close to the grocery industry. Keep smilin
  3. Im Confused ? Which one is the man of the year ? Both looking a bit blokey.
  4. The IGA offer states refund of 4c/L from any fuel outlet ?? What about Woolworths Petrol Plus ? Sounds like an opportunity for a double dip to me. Zak BTW the average selling price for soap powder ( Laundry Detergent ?) has risen only marginally in the past 10 years. Significantly less than CPI over the same period. mmmmmmmmm to be a commodity
  5. You're the only other person apart from me I've heard of with this problem (exhaust). I've had it 'fixed' once but it's doing it again. Not a major thing, just a niggly annoying problem. Next service I'll get them to look at it again. Falchoon After stating last night that the only prob was some minimal brake shudder( kiss of death), I too noticed a small rattle coming from the exhaust/heat shield .Heard it while I left car idling whilst I purged my mailbox of its daily feed of junk mail. It cant be heard from inside the vehicle or when in gear , only when idling in neutral. Cheers
  6. Cracking looking beast , but then , aren't they all. Enjoy what is despite some of the probs , a great car
  7. Sykes Congratulations ......and of course happy & safe motoring. Ken , please stop shouting , you will blow up my ear trumpet
  8. Ken Simply put and well said. I am sure your concise thougts are relected in the sentiments of the majority of users/ visitors to this site. We all take far too much for granted. WhiteTee
  9. BrentS Currently have 9000ks on the T , a lot of them hard .Only prob todate ( touch wood) is some break shudder which at present is minimal. I plan to rectify this with DBA rotors and new pads. As stated in other threads the constant machining of the disks doesnt seem to cure the problem. Other than that , I cant wait to drive it at every opportunity.
  10. Nothing to add but, phhhhht phhhhht , the ultimate must have, try hard ricer accessory. What will they think of next???
  11. Pretty Average Turnout in my carpark 2 Ts 1 x Phantom , one mine 1x Riced up Lexus 200 1x " " Nissan 180 zx 2x vt ss doors Some great Harley's Plenty of rubbish eg Sportivo's and the like.Some peoples idea of a sports car .......mmmmmm , happens to be silver ?? Cardigans any one? White Tee
  12. Average about 360k DTE full tank around Town ( Sydney ) Best was on a highway run to Brisbane DTE 510 k. Mustn't molly coddle the beast too much ?
  13. No Explanation Required
  14. Plonky Agree with your honourable mention of Denis "Iceman" Tek from RadioBirdman,plays brilliantly with Chris Masuak. If you like good hard Aussie rock, check these legends out.Had the privelage of seeing them live in Sydney last year ( 3 times ) Awesome and not too be missed.
  15. After several weeks of banging around South Africa , It was with great excitement that last night I again got behind the wheel of the T , been smiling ever since. BTW saw a couple of VY SSs over there ? , must have been imported by some ex pats ? Also a big welcome to all the new chums who have joined in the past few weeks
  16. As mentioned in a previous post NSW has the highest , direct and indirect tax base in the country relative to population and geography, yet still has amongst ,if not the worst roads in the nation. Other infrastructure also leaves more than a bit to be desired. Great initiative , but 400k ! the pollies spill that much Chardie in a month
  17. I like it ....... I like it alot, even the colour. Few mods and those ricer skylines "et al" can eat dust. Shame its just a conept car. Wonder how much coin involved. mmmmmmmmm
  18. MercTurbo First thing in the morning questions will be asked .NRMA is the RACV equivalent in NSW. Similar situation all round you old bugger! Thnx for the feedback . I feel that at the time I got a reasonable deal compared with everyone else I tried. Hooning obviously goes against U
  19. Sorry Ken .........mmm I'm sorry, rather you were smiling !
  20. Paid $1083 NRMA ,Novated lease also. Looks like us lease boys are getting stitched up. Cro do you have a choice of insurers? If so change you are getting bent over. No offence to the young un's but getting to pay $ up to $4oo bucks less is not on & I have been a good boy ........sort of
  21. bkofoed Congrats , Kens right they do get looser with age , just like some of the posters on this site. Both the car and the sight are quite addictive Enjoy
  22. Buf-Phoon


    Motor - April 2003 Performance Car of the Year - against all comers ,T comes 3rd beaten only by a Porshe Boxter and a Merc SL55AlGand stuff me they were both Silver .... come on Team HgAg dare ya Motor - July T wins best Aussie Muscle Car All the above were based on a combo of straight line , track and road, encompassing driveability , performance , ride, handling etc Bang 4 your Buck October 2002 ? is 2003 edition out yet ? Any way some consistency would be nice Any way the above should be testimony enough. Motor , 2/3 aint bad , but
  23. Takes me back, how can I forget . Twas may 16 2003. The call came. " your Car is out front" , so I venture out to the company car park and there is the service rep/Lady 4 my company draped all over the pristine White T ..........spiffing. ( soo sorry Ken ) "let me show you the instuments" ?? After several minutes of meaningful instruction , me says SOD that lets go for a drive. Credit to the particular dealership for their outstanding service (already great price and deivery time).Follow up calls etc re. satisfaction , how hard can it be. If the next car is a series 2 T I know who will get the business. U know who U R.
  24. First Turbo , previously XRs & Commodores. The T is absolutely chalk n cheese when compared to its predecesor in every dept.All of it good. Poll results should provide Ford with some interesting feedback , but then again waiting lists have already said the T should stay. Question is how to ensure strong 8 sales post version 2 T
  25. Plonky , firstly thanks 4 all your informed contributions........ However , there is one stretch of Sydney road that is used by many large, and tall trucks ( lorries , for you people of recent of anglo saxon descent). More than several of my colleagues have subsequently been pinged en route to meetings as a consequence of the recent blitz on these speed zones by not seeing the 40k zone which is 70k rest of the time. Whilst I agree with your POV , surely it is time for the beaurocrats to get their collective heads together and develop some more executable and practical plans for the future. Being the owner of 2 young children , I would appreciate some more informed and demonstrable actions across govt functions implemented to cease the needless slaughter of our future. Given the amount of taxes and excises we pay, NSW has the highest tax base relative to the size of it's geography.... and the worst infrasructure in the country ( overall ). Absolutely Shi*#tfull surely it is not good enough!!. There U go I have had my rant. Now back into my insulated and comfortable dark space.
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