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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. Well JB depends where you are dont it , never heard of yella cabs ?? or yella cabs that are orange in QLD. maybe B&W but that would = HgAg wouldn't it
  2. YCL Count me in...........a pure coincidence or an accurate prophecy of armageddon for all colours other than WW,The day after June 1 is indeed a day of significance , it signifies the birth of one of the fold. WhiteTee and the WWWOs rise to colour dominance coming your way June 2.Beware ye of little faith. Flame suit on Jeez 4 red , 3 blue, and few White ones for good measure , sure does the trick dont it
  3. There's a good reason for that ... Least we not be as common as muck, Ani you are welcome to join the HgAg intolerant team WWOs , White epitomises all that is good, pure and class. Who would have thought ? Ken I trust this is what you mean..........thanks but you did not have to we do understand. BTW .........I think its 3 WhiteBeasts on this weekends cruise. At last some moral support.
  4. Buf-Phoon


    that's me......... 100% - Mark admin - Chris aka CJF077 alxr6t - Adam (Wink) BATRB6 - Fabian (Fab) bcl - Brian BlackMagic - Jonno BLKXRT - Rob BlownBA - George BlueXR6Turbo - Glen Butzy - Carl chief - Russell citric acid xr6t - Greg CJF077 - Chris (God, your leader) CJF077_Sista - Natalie Cramorr - Craig Crisso - Chris Cro - Ivan cvanxr - Craig Dagabond - Daz ed-au-ba-xr6 (now NA Thunder) - Wayne ExAreSix - Mark Falchoon - Ross geea - Craig genebaby - Vic gjbooth - Geoff GlennXR6T - Glenn Hambo_12 - Reece Honest Gaza - Garry Hypnodoc - Rick iaschmidt - Ian JB - Jonathan (JB, Jonno) -jep - Ryan KEN24T - Ken (Kenny, Kenneth, Kenny - G) ktford - Scotty lookat - Brenton loop - Pete Macktheknife - Trevor (Mack) Marcos - Mark Matt-itude - Matt mercturbo - Rob Mitchy_G - Mitch Mondie - Simon ms700 - Mick NA Thunder (was ed-au-ba-xr6) - Wayne NT TURBO - Mick OwnaXR6T - Daniel PUNKcortina - Matt pym - Martin rapt - Greg Raslin - Matt Redhawk - Al Richdave - Dave (Richo) Rowlan - Mark Saleen1 - Rob sash - Adam (Sash) sharkey - Paul sixfan - Pete tongueboy - Tony Trevor - Trevor voy74656 - Cain waz_j - Warren WhiteTee- Julian wicksy - Dylan (metz, wicksy) XFwannaBA - Brendan XR64T - Aaron (Azz) xr6ikness - Jeff xrdreaming - Dean YCL - Alex ZapXR6T - Mal Zeke - Tony OK everyone after this post should copy and paste the list and add their own name, then we'll have a list at the end each time
  5. Ian oooooh you are awful.............mmmm what was that place ? oh yeah Grace Brothers
  6. Is this the episode after or before 'Harry Potter and the Mystery Boy "?
  7. Buf-Phoon


    If anyone can , can Ken ?
  8. Turbo6man Being an ex Queenslander ( Dons Flame Suit ), absolutely tickled me funny bone
  9. forget the steak knives ,these bad boys come with a bonus foot pump. or so I'm told ......................
  10. Irish Rock Group? :banghead: Yoooh Too .............Thought they were Japanese :lol:
  11. No contest then......................
  12. White Beast Xr6t Yup , I trust by the moniker that you made the right choice colour wise in the end. BTW .Us pale folk are severely outnumbered.Watch ya self
  13. Bewdy ,Free beer and Lammies at Ken's...........who's in? Ken better get bakin' and careful now, you know how SWMBO is about those damned coconut bits all over the joint. Plus they are a bugger to get off of your fave woolen cardie :banghead: only joshin
  14. Redhawk I have one that continues to puzzle me EID , please put me out of my misery. its not 'er in doors is it ? Cheers
  15. mine is more of a "thunk "as it hits home
  16. Geea Happy Birthday mate, twas a fine vintage 1965 , I will be joining you on the down hill run to the big 40 in a few months. I trust you will be partaking in a few chilled beeros WhiteTee
  17. CSV_LS1 Nice to have some one from the "dark side "come to visit. Agreed that maxxing out the factory ECU would be ideal , but Ford have done a number on this one and it is yet to be cracked succesfully to the best of my knowledge. To date after market chips have successfully been tuned to deliver pretty much stock performance and idle around town with the power unleashed with application of the loud pedal.Given the relatively short period the T has been around some serious ground has been made by the various tuners. Enjoy your stay WhiteTee
  18. Ken I think you may be taking the LOTR Oscar success a little too seriously
  19. Mate hate to tell ya but these balancing thingys are in short supply and need to be booked by the dealers. As previously posted ( Fordtech I think) , after any driveline repairs the whole thing needs to be realigned, ie box , shaft , diff
  20. Buf-Phoon


    Is this site toooo blokey , it would seem that the ladies have been quiet of late ? Carn........... all are welcome , we're not all .......... well a bit off centre BTW which Wally are you guys talkin about , leads with chin . Before you anser I've been here all along.........sort of
  21. Mattson Good to see ya didn't fall off the planet during the wait. Enjoy your new stead , now go on..........get off of here and go for another cruise. Oh and BTW whats with the silly grin
  22. Dags This site alone puts more than enough time pressure on me !! Yet you continue to entice us with these continual mindless games. Being un co when do you expect me to practice ??? Looks like I have to gain re-evaluate lifes priorities. Bottom line ya killin me
  23. Wooooo Hoooo Great work guys , life can now return to normal. That is reading all the many posts that I have to catch up on. I am with Vic .........of to detox for me Cheers and
  24. The mother of all tena Ts ie Humungorous incontinence pads only available in bowling green grey Bwwwahhahhhaaahha :lol: BTW a reef knot will work better than a slip knot if you get my drift ?
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