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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. I still have 2 years to go on the lease of my T and will be looking seriously at a modded Typhoon next time around. That is only if the current BA driveline and other issues are not still present. I suppose that Ford will have about a year and a half to get any Typhoon/T issues sorted.Bottom line is either Ford get it right or I will be walking as I will not take a punt if there are is a good chance of inheriting problems. Also gives the tuning houses a little bit of development time
  2. NUFF SAID? Are you kidding Trumpy? Man, this is only the beginning. I am going to bed now, and I will report more in the morning. I have a headache, a sore throat, sore legs and arms for some reason and Karen is really sore and tired too. That air guitar that I bought on Ebay last week worked perfectly all night on saturday, and hardly needed a tune at all. Talk about value for money. You could really tell that it had been played by some legends in it's time... And when I loaned it to Trumpy for a couple of numbers (while I drummed and played the harmonica) it really started to shine. Man that boy can play. Starting to ramble. Really, is this a case of what goes on tour stays on tour? I think NOT. Andrew Can't understand why everyone is tired? Yet another great cruise. Well done to Andrew & Karen for their organistion and leadership. Again the level of comraderie that permeates the site and cruises all over the country and the subsequent frienships that are built , to me just highlights what a special place this is
  3. Scotty do you mean , that you are intimidated and don't know how to handle it :lol:
  4. Guys , it is important that we not let this get blown out of proportion. Yes , some of us visit other forums for a look see, and generally speaking we are well recieved. There is always the minority that have no other intention than to invoke a bite ( as per MS 700s observations) from our community. That said there are also fools from the Ford camp that do the same. Think about it , lets not get too myopic in our thinking. At the end of the day ( bloody cliche ) we all need to show all of the badges a modicum of respect and let the moderators do what they need to do. I mean look at the money they get :lol:
  5. Lumpa ...........you bad man , just like a few on the Hunter Cruise . Hope the aftermath was not to tumultuos.What a way to commence your third decade
  6. Ya can only imagine, and I for one would rather not. Shiny bits , toasted lammies, and lets not forget that filfy Phil has also made the pilgrimage. Kent you are a very unwell unit. As long as no innocent animals are unfairly dealt with , each to their own. Voy dont say you weren't warned. OH and BTW dont you dare put your ears back , Kent will not be pleased.
  7. So Curious are you tapping up ( sorry edit ; backing up) for more fun and frivolity over the weekend . God bless curtains :lol:
  8. Ken , just pray that none of last weeks Rambos have any of their Arnie Kits left. Now that could be unfortunate.
  9. Happy Birthday Lumper , have a great day and night
  10. im confused " important topic " :holiday: thought this was the thread with no topic ? You know being "off" and everything
  11. I will watch this thread with interest. Sites funniest thread ? Mods get them bannin fingers ready. I've got a feeling about this one
  12. Curious As per yor moniker are you still curious ? or does the prospect of a future of great sex and mind numbing conversation still appeal. "morning dearest one or two eggs in your coffee " Sorry mate. Very funny story. :lol: The prospects for cheap shots are enormous , you obviously have thought of a few yourself,she was blonde wasn't she ........sorry girls Cracked me up
  13. Good one Doc ,looks like a nice weekend for cruisin around grinning in the T
  14. Special rodent chocolate bits mmmmmmmmmmm
  15. Ya didn't give it to Scotty did you ???
  16. Buf-Phoon


    Ivan, mate that is really good news. They are a great, fun car to drive when everthing is on song. enjoy it
  17. Top Idea , but unfortunately we wouldn't find any/many dealers in Sydney that would qualify.
  18. that's a bit rich coming from the chief of the crap posts kent. :lol: Ian mmmm Crap + Kent must = Krent , " Geez WhiteTee ya speak some Krent dont ya ?" :lol:
  19. To quote a band from eons ago re the likes of "Artois" ( ArrToIss) in the late eighties. "Taste like Piss but at least it's dear" . Anyone know who ?Mind you the Stella is not bad on tap. Only 2 real beers for mine both Boags 1st Strong Arm Bitter, 2nd Premium Lager
  20. Geez Goldie ,nearly thought you meant mighty morons :lol: Still , bein from .....you know up there once Blues by plenty
  21. C'mon chaps stop that chest beating , this is colour wars no.5672 :lol: S'pose we have to drag it out periodically to make the newbies feel welcome. I for one will abstain from this debate as I am sure will all the WWW Team. We have no need to engage in such a trivial and mindless discussion.Pffffft We may however watch the rest of you humiliate and deride one another.............. yet again Somewhere over the rainbow.............. blah blah blah
  22. Hopefully I am wrong. But it could be CVs/ axle assembly as this sounds like how my dramas unfolded. Vibrations were primarily when accelerating through 100ks in any gear, and when under very light load to backing off at 80ks
  23. Turbs bring back " China Girl " , written and performed best by I.Pop. I know completely irrelevant. 2 Constructive posts tonight V this one . Please Please .........Im sorry
  24. Yeah Hoon we are goin NEAR it but we ain't stoppin
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