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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. I can read it fine , stoopid question but did you click on the image ?
  2. snotter need to go out for a last run for glory. Otherwise not long and he'e goorne from the list
  3. You wonder where the saying "can't see for looking" come from ? no doubt a woman Also been told "it" is where I left it .... duuurrrrrrrr
  4. Hi all Noticed that cruises are not getting the responses they used to. This has been happening for a while and for a multitude of reasons. Importantly the CCs put in a lot of work and it would be good see some more support and encouragement to continue giving up their time. That all said here are few pics to start off a bit of motivation and a stroll down memory lane. First Snowies cruise. Bathurst Cruise Mountain.bmp Rainbow.bmp Grid.bmp Any commentary, items from the incident book etc should also be considered for inclusion.
  5. farkers , standard BS response Step into 'em
  6. yep, 4 years and still haven't finished unpacking
  7. for those that do a nice robust initiation ceremony ?
  8. + 1 vote for today , glad to help
  9. Don't fear , Bouncing Billy is running loose in the top paddock , gate is open for those poll bearers to take us back to the past and beyond. If you kent's vote labor in again after just 3 years of Rabbit Nothing to say other than you deserve it
  10. nice teaser will I need me cape ?
  11. I'm sure everyone wants to help, but the questions can be endless To give the guys a better steer can you step us through the process of the cars journey Mods , tunes / tuner etc Lots of smart guys here the questions will need filling out however
  12. True that , still I would love to see them here, Goodbye FPV. As for "regular" mustangs some will be nuggets with badges.
  13. If brought to OZ I don't know the additional costs of L to R conversion , but would probably be a significant on cost. I think there is a shop in Melbourne that specialzes in these conversions. Saw a red 2012 model pull 340 rwkw stock on Elites Dyno last year. Best ear fark I've had in a while
  14. "dad what does a miner do ?" repeat post but apt
  15. Start investigating this just in case
  16. Uncle Jules a communist WTF for sale a somewhat used stooge hunters cape
  17. Captain , always a fan of a broad debate , so nothing personal. Some industries are moving towards total deregulation by necessity far quicker than others. IR is always a nice area for a wee chat. My brother has worked for Coles for 25+ years and he gets arse raped. Called back from holidays works public holidays at the bosses whim because he'e to scared to say no, We'll give you time off instead. I've spent most of my life at war with dirty WWorters and Coles raping the supplier community and ultimately shoppers., How is it stuff made in OZ can be purchased cheaper in NZ supermarkets ? However I digress
  18. So if we all take our personal circumstances out of it , what single factor should determine your pay and conditions ? competition ? performance? entitlement ? personal convenience? other?
  19. NHASP , It's usually a pen pusher(HQ person) who's nuts end up in the vice. You play someone will have to pay , just like a car. It's all skin in the the game. Makes. us all passionate I suppose. A bit limp otherwise
  20. finished your rant ? have a read first. Firstly one size does't fit all and secondly the market will ultimately determine price. I wasn't picking on what it is you do. like every job it's important to the person getting paid Iv'e missed my kids birthdays, graduation more Xmases than I care to remember. Making decisions working up to 100 hrs a week pushing "pencils" doing what I was paid to do. My father worked rotating shifts for over 50 years so yeah I get that as well I don't really give a rats what you think, hopefully you are not ever put in charge of a business. Don't be so damned narrow minded. You seem like a self centered look at me pee pee Just sayin. I won't decimate you in public however
  21. Penalty rates suck balls for employers in hospitality particularly.. When they should be making some money the old wage bill kills them before they open the doors. A lot don't even bother. Given the growing casualisation of the workplace if you want the work don't expect to be paid a premium. Like anything , value is only worth what the market is prepared to pay. So Fluff you are being a little myopic in your view. One size does not fit all anymore. If a business want's to be successful it must firstly must understand the customer, but importantly be both nimble and flexible in delivering to those needs. 9-5 with all the fruit is on the wane..Good ole Coles plays the game, time off in lieu. Work 8 hours on a PH you get 8 hours off at their convenience. Not the prescribed 13.5 hours pay as the award states. You want to argue and be managed out ? Anyway I'm starting to sound a bit left of centre. The ABC have stooges for that crap. I could go on and on and on seems like TAB's post has been high jacked , not his usual measured response
  22. armed with pinch bar doing well thus far. Get away vehicle sh*ts on Camry's
  23. Why aren't there any goats on Merry go Rounds ?
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