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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. you do eg Saturday and Sundays you silly bugger Edit .Is "cider man" a new age superhero and what does he wear? Pics please
  2. His passing made me profoundly sad. I never met him. I knew it was going to be bad news when Alan Jones cut unexpectedly to an ad break at approx 6.30 am edst yesterday. Clearly knew what the status was.
  3. Pink slip or equivalent depending on state. Rego transfer papers.
  4. we've all done good since your OP 8 days ago, lots of time left
  5. straight line projection looking good . We should try and whore all the way to 5000
  6. no private health cover ? junior is worth it anyway
  7. pics or never happened. Your rules Flufster
  8. houses , cars whatever , correct the market decides I myself will no doubt be disappointed in coming weeks. No need to sell down the chaps car on a uninformed guestimate
  9. Sorry Pixy BS mate 9k is a fair price. not 5-6 . Plenty listed for 7-10k with heaps more ks take 9+
  10. was it that bonnet and wing that spawned the call of "tranny" or was it worse than that hahahaha edit. It was all baldies ( DBOSS') fault
  11. PBR brakes have blue calipers from memory and yes premium on BA Premium sound comes with the colour screen. Can't recall if 18" rims were an option. Not much help I know it was a long time ago
  12. those just may get you an Xmas bitch slappin you self centred kent edit. forgot how romantic
  13. must say that under bonnet gave me a twinge in me knickers. Good performance shops don't discriminate. They can build you a quick car. Accept what you have for what it is or keep throwing money at it. Me, mid 300s for the street is ample
  14. http://www.wheelsmag.com.au/features/1411/target-300-video-feature/
  15. that's + 45 in less than an hour
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