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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. another cruise looks like folding . crying shame. They are great fun ,,,,,,,really
  2. I know this is a semi pro thread , but here's Buf's Golf post. Started my Golf career in high school towing the buggy behind the pushie down to the local course (unforgiving Ashgrove ) when not playing cricket. Balls scavenged along the way and excess sold to the pro shop to cover green fees Clubs consisted of Slazenger Ben Hogan blades, a menagerie of woods and some strange square handled putter. Used to hit low 90s on most courses with the antiques Until I retired in 2000 after cracking a ton in pouring rain at Palmdale on the GC. Playing maybe once a year at this stage. That said the only time I came out of retirement in 2003 I was on a study tour. Had been on the syrup for several days at Sun City in RSA and like most staggered on to the bus for a corporate Golf day in Cape Town. Early wake up , several missed the bus. hahahaha So armed with a hire kit esky and cart went out for 18 holes. Was expecting a cricket score. 88 off the stick legit. Not even a ball struck in 3 years prior Could not believe the difference better gear makes, the sweet spots were huge. It did make me think that with a decent set of clubs, practice , and time on the course I could have been competitive with a proper handicap. Family and career intervened. Over a decade since I've swung a club , except at cane toads. Maybe another time and place. Need to hit a few buckets first
  3. The bike or the rider Steve Probably plays Base ball, if it was a cricket bat ? Not discriminating against biker louts are you ?
  4. spewed a bit in mouth. Should have listened to Barnz Bizkets ( now wonder about that with some trepidation) you sir are a
  5. 5 ks out of Brisvegas CBD . Desert boots or sensible black Clarkes cripplers with the wanky paw print tread seems BH were the trend setters you old farker
  6. RESULTS SPEEK FOR THEY SELFS Done some research K31th ? Most lot of that sh*t happened before you were a member ?
  7. Like saying you cant wear CK reginalds under a Colette Dinigan frock. Well that's what I do
  8. Not as bad as the sh*t storm Peter Luxon ( APS) created in the US with his Chinese made kits Made the old Unichimp debates on here pale into insignificance . Even Gooseman would have failed to defend him.
  9. have to love the Valet tune. Fark those pimply pie fetchers
  10. morality v reality when all said and done bringeth padlock boy
  11. opinions and debate are what forums are for, As long as it's not personal you kent
  12. ffs Gunna , what is the ultimate goal? Why ask if you are going to do what you want anyway ?
  13. 12 psi actuator and running 11 , how was this measured. only a poofteenth I know. Just curious on the tune in the car. Any dyno sheets ?
  14. cracking build that May I ask the clutch set up to hold all that goodness ?
  15. got mine yesterday now to put them on
  16. hahahaha I farked up the Grooms speech by calling the wife by an ex girl friends name. Don't give me a mike you probably won't get it back
  17. If we were meant to wear clothes we would have been born with them
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