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Everything posted by Buf-Phoon

  1. " price of string " hahahah a typo only a business person could make. Love your work
  2. needs more natural ingredients as per "God's" will
  3. That's what I'm saying. Geography and time have blurred what was supposedly pure. Animals have an order of things as nature ultimately dictates. Yet. the top of the food chain remains incapable. God = Nature ??
  4. Tish, that said , depends on the K's done. I do a lot of peak hour driving. Drop oils very 7.5 ks max with a de-carb. Then a dyno pull to check all is tickety boo
  5. Ruke up to you, the post is not pointing any fingers, just highlighting that historically there cannot only be one god and I think at least one can't be telling the truth. A purely philosophical conversation ? Just looking at it historically. Maybe there is one god? I don't know. Just needs a shrink IMO that being true. Mod call. Do unto others not a bad value to start with
  6. Hi all, This is not a confrontational thread but my confusion over the meaning of religion other than simple and multiple belief systems across time and geography. Without doing a degree in theology all religions all have different attributes.But there is a recurring delineation. 1/ Belief in a deity " supreme being" Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Mormans, Sikh and others or if Roman,Greek or Egyptian ancient history , many other purpose dedicated gods ie. Bill sh*tten the latter day god of IR. ( hehehe) 2/Then there all the many subsets of the above, each with permeatations for the greater good. 3/ The prophets and sales side of the business. JC , Mohammed,Jehova, Isaiah,etc selling the UNITY message 4/ They all wrote books and instruction manuals, Bible,Torah. Koran. Watch Tower etc, etc ( non exclusionary) 5/ By now the message is all diluted and many seeking differing outcomes ?Reverse funnel and the crap is getting channeled our way. 6/ Original and inherent goodness is picked to bits Not for that purpose of "one world" but to gain territorial and moral advantage by any means possible, Vatican, IS , Sikhs& Tamils and the list goes on. IMO religion is literally being hijacked and not for good,I just make a simple point. That is to be sure what you believe in. I'm just saying, I'm watching yet another recycling of history, under which God? They can't all be right? Surely? Treat others as you would be treated.Not that hard.Job done. or is it ? Answers ? I find the global personnae is leaderless. There is little genuine concensus on anything. Just sayin. Remain perplexed by it all like me? Just keep killing is not a cure.Never was
  7. lol not long after learning to say mama & dada my son declared one day " nasty sh*tzz " when having his nappy changed.
  8. zacuary.I'm better off keeping a 7 y/o blue taxi with 90xxx ks on it. I know it's history.What has been done and maintained. Still turns heads. Get's tax deductions.Sometimes better the devil you know
  9. Brother I hear you. Close family friend Mark had a stroke aged just 43 , been on life support ever since. It's been six months now and no improvement. His poor parents have repatriated him from the US under private charter as unable to fly above 10 000 feet. As his wife and kids are citizens of Venezuela they had troubles getting visa's into oz has complicated issues, BTW Mark was in the US on business at the time of the stroke, Bills now in excess of US$900k Mark's wife and kids are now together daily to hold his hand due to the generosity of a friend. John and Lucy have renovated their house to accommodate their dearly loved sons needs should he come good. He won't unfortunately.Still in ICU Mark's wife and kids being devout catholics still believe in a miracle, The truth is starting to dawn on Marks parent's, that plug pulling is imminent. Immediate family can't/won't accept it. I can't think of a worse nightmare. Sorry for the long winded post, This has been causing tears for some time. I just feel so helpless. To make matters worse Rocky the parents Beagle no doubt sensing the stress has recently savaged Lucy 3 times causing medical attention. I think it's time to let Mark join Rocky in a better place. I've told my family when in doubt. Just do it. Others may just hope I don;t come back
  10. and the problem is ? actually thought of several
  11. I would normally click on "like this" just doesn't seem right praying for a big rally. I assume you are Italian, family will make a big difference
  12. Yep what Rab said. Bang on If you are going to mod, know your target, do your research, buy the bits and get them installed and car tuned. Adding components piece meal will cost you big time in tuning costs. You just can't just add new bits and give it a hit. Go bang, There is over a decades R&D on here do some reading and call your tuner/s and have a chat. imo
  13. Nearly farked up. Failed to notice the 2006. Was gunna call "you" Stoner. lol Self inflicted GOTIM More pics matey , well done this far
  14. There are different kinds of beasts ?
  15. Firstly secondly the Fraud service department have earned the moniker for being crap. Try another dealership and see how you go. Is the car tuned or stock ? Lot's of variables to consider. My advice would be to take it to a reputable tuner and throw it on the dyno and see what's what and go to Fraud with that info. I've happily voided my drive line warranty on 3 T6's rather than let the pie fetchers anywhere near my car. Where are you located ? Hopefully others more familiar with FGs will be along shortly
  16. "morality" is simply the opposite of what you prefer. Go fark a mate My one night stand loves it
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