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  1. Nothing to do with rocks in your head. Do you want to drive the car or let the car drive you. I also like the dress quote. Hehehe.
  2. $23.00 BUCKS for a tiny little can of touch up!!!!! Holy sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Cheers guys. Good info. I might actually take a couple of before and after photos and post them here for future reference. Thanks again.
  4. Just gave the car a wash and the stone chips on the front made me feel sick. It's only 8 months old and looks terrible. It makes it worse that under the Ego paint it's white. I'm going to grab some touch up from the dealer tomorrow. What do you guys do?
  5. Robbo

    Brake Pedal Issue

    Whatever it is I don't like it. I just went for a drive after giving it a wash and gave it a squirt then had to brake heavily coming to a corner and it did not feel good at all. It slipped, dropped, whatever you want to call it as I needed to brake hard and it was scary. It shouldn't be like this. Back to the dealer I think. Thanks all.
  6. Robbo

    Brake Pedal Issue

    G'day all. Has anyone had any issues with the brake pedal on their GT or other FPV? My BF GT is about 8 months old and virtually from day 1 I have noticed this issue. It doesn't always happen which makes it hard to demonstrate but when you apply pressure to the pedal is feels like is 'slips' or 'falls' under foot. It means that the pressure applied is not constant and therefore is a concern. Driving in normal conditions is fine but under track or emergency conditions it could be the difference between control and loss of control. I've mentioned it to the dealer and they find no problem. I've had 2 XR6s and an XR6T prior to the GT but the GT is the first shod with Brembos. Surely this is not a Brembo thing. Cheers
  7. Some mods come with tracks and I would be surprised if there weren't a few track packs but generally you load and install the ones you want. For people who have never seen these things, it is a real eye opener. These games are actually simulations, not games. The cars are modelled on the real thing. Because I am an IT Consultant who makes wheels, pedals and shifters etc on the side, I have people asking me what they are. When I show them, they are usually blown away. When I tell them that people race on the Internet against 30 other real people, they can't believe it. It is a whole new world of motor sport.
  8. We concentrate on the PC because the simulations are generally there whereas the PS2/3 and XBox are more your hit and giggle games (no offence).
  9. rFactor is the sim to get guys. It was designed to be moddable. Essentially, the game out of the box has basic fictional tracks and fictional cars however, since its release, there are hundreds of additional cars, tracks and series. If you head over to http://www.rfactorcentral.com/ you'll find all the mods there. A couple of note are V8factor which is the 2006 V8 Supercar Series and the F1 1979 mod. Bloody brilliant. And ... if you're really keen, you can race in online leagues against other guys on the net. It is seriously as close as you can get to the real thing. I've been playing these sims for years and they just keep getting better. I also make the Advantage1 controllers so I've had a fair bit to do with the 'sport'. Give it a go. You won't regret it. Feel free to contact me for more info.
  10. I like the colours and the centre stripes. For a special edition, it needed to be released with at least another 40Kw IMO.
  11. I owned a couple of RS2000s in the late 80s and they were brilliant cars. Very fond memories.
  12. Awesome looking car mate !! Congrats !!
  13. I've recently gone from a BA XR6T to a BF GT and the T feels quicker and probably is. The power in the V8 comes in much later and the car does feel heavier. My GT is still new but after the 3000 service I'll give it some stick and see if my thoughts change. As great as the GT is, and I think it is great, Ford have kicked massive goals with the 4L Turbo. A true legend in Aussie motoring.
  14. I think it looks pretty good. I saw a Herrod GT just after I got my T a few years back and it was black with the silver stripes going up and over the centre of the car and it looked awesome. I've seen other colour combinations try it and it looked terrible. I now have the GT in Ego, no decals, no stripes but I would consider silver stripes down the centre of the car. Not sold on the idea but if I could see a good Photoshop mock up I may just do it.
  15. Small world eMPee !!! No stripes or decals. Just EGO !!
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