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Everything posted by Benny

  1. I'm not sure what the weight differences are between optioned up and standard but don't believe what ford states as the standard weight because it'll be different, mine was. I'm quite sure that the steel rims weight less than the 18's.
  2. Exactly what I was thinking. It can never be too big. :lol:
  3. Sure Auto Salon has alot of over the top cars that are all show but there are some very fast cars that produce some quite descent hp figures. Auto Salon can be a good day out especially if they're running a dyno session.
  4. I have one because its attached to my G-Tech Pro and can be programmed from the graphs depending on where my peak power occurs. It also doubles as a staging light.
  5. Kinda makes me feel scared about standing near a GTR on the dyno with say a TD-08 or TA51R strapped to it. Might end up disappearing up the intake.
  6. You have to give him points for trying. :lol: What a fool.
  7. If a shift light is being installed without the tacho then the shift point is set by the little things they call pills that you can plug into it. eg 5800, 6000 rpm. Sorry I don't know how to wire them up and I don't think it would be easy because the electronics in the BA works on a network type bus communication linking the PCM and ICC etc.. The shift light that have in my car runs off a Pro series G-Tech that's stuck to my windscreen.
  8. The spark plugs and coils are all found under that black cover on the top of the motor. This setup is called coil on plug design and each plug has it's own separate coil mounted on top of it. This eliminates all those ugly long coil leads running aroung the engine bay, plus reduces electrical losses.
  9. Benny


    Hi How are you finding the 4000 rotors? are they the cross drilled and slotted or slotted only? Cheers frank :banghead: The rotors are great and work really well when fitted with a good set of matching pads. They're only slotted because I'm not keen on cross drilled rotors due to reports of cracks forming between the holes in some instances. I'm not saying DBA rotors do this. I've only just installed the Ferrodo pads so I'm not sure how good they will perform but from what people have said I'm sure everything will be ok.
  10. Lowered King springs, camber kit, 10% Tint, air filter, 18" after market wheels, 4000 series rotors, bendix pads, ferrodo pads. More to come to I'd say.
  11. Benny

    Pully kits

    I don't believe that a pully kit is designed to lower the rpm of your anceliery components. Other wise you would loose efficiency of your alternator and water pump etc. A pully kit introduces lighter weight pullies to reduce load on the engine.
  12. Benny


    I've got 4000 series rotors and have just taken my 20% worn Bendix Ultimates out because under hard applications these sh%t pads were transfering pad material onto the rotor and giving me shudder again. I've replaced them with some nice new Ferrodo's that I'm hoping will do a better job.
  13. I'm not saying that I haven't raced on the street before because I'd be lying but with four other people in your car that you have to take responsability for. Now that's stupidity. You learn by your mistakes and this your guy will have to live with this one in the back of his mind forever.
  14. Benny

    Fan noise?

    It's quite funny when a pedestrian is walking past the front of your car at the lights when it switches on. I'm sure they think the cars gonna gobble them up and spit them out.
  15. No one could somerise my childhood any better than that. I've gotta print this out for future referance for when I can't remember what being a child was all about. :banghead:
  16. Yeah mine to. I'm not game to remove them in case the engine falls out.
  17. Sorry Only new - just received it. Goodbye. Sorry, Didn't mean to attack you so fast. Welcome to the mad house.
  18. That would be funny to see.
  19. Took mine off about an hour after I got the car when I fitted my 18's. Never had a problem yet and never will. Saw someone the other day with after market wheels with these still on and it made me laugh.
  20. Benny

    Car Theft

    I thought I'd put this out as a warning to all people who are driving performance vehicles and value their car and safety. This following artilce I took from the paper over the weekend of my brother in-laws experience last week at Tuggerah. He had just bought a 96 model GTR V spec from a person in QLD. The vehicle was trucked down to the Central Coast and delivered to a local mechanic to be inspected and modified to be registered. The vehicle was at the mechanics for three days unmoved or driven before he had to drive the car to the RTA to be inspected. Upon leaving the RTA, which is only minutes from the mechanics he stopped at a local shopping centre to do some things when he was confronted by two armed men in a stolen car which told him they were going to take his car. He grudgingly ablidged for fear of his life. Thankfully his car was found later in an underground car park all locked up, obviously awaiting transport once the heat had died down. So everyone out there please be aware of what society is coming to these days and be careful when stopping at lights and intersections. I know this kind of thing is hard to avoid but keep your eyes open, it can happen anywhere.
  21. Hello everyone, Just some more info I found while surfing around.
  22. Congratulations, Let the chase for more kilowatts begin.
  23. Reminds me of a WRX that I see quite regularly that has 2FAST plates. He should be pulled out of his car and slapped.
  24. I can still quite easily get mine to step out in the rain even with traction control on. Sometimes the TC catches it quickly and other times it can tack a split second longer. I have to say it's a hell of alot better than my AU fairmont TC it just use to cut off all power until you regained grip, very scary sometimes.
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