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Everything posted by Benny

  1. My suggestions of people to talk to would be either Martin Donnon at Willall racing or Simon at Nizpro for starters. Might be worth giving Rob Herrod a call as well. Benny.
  2. These kits are the go. http://www.snowperformance.net/gasoline Benny.
  3. I think it comes down to how the car is being driven. If you're easy going and not pushing hard through corners then 36-38 but if you like getting into it then I'd suggest 42 front and 38 rear on the factory dunlops. Lower in the rear to improve traction. Like has been said it's really trial and error and what you prefer. Benny.
  4. Has your rear main been replaced before? While the box is out you could change that also considering the box will be out. Cheap part and easy to replace. How much power is your car making? Do you have a transcooler fitted, is your BTR built or stock? Benny.
  5. ^^^^ Agree. As long as it's not being blown back from further forward on the engine then it will be gearbox out to find the source.
  6. Is it dripping off the bottom of the bell housing or just on outside of it? Are you 100% sure it's trans fluid? Benny.
  7. Davo, You said P0735 not P0375, correct? Did the gear box fault and then shift back to fifth or are you saying that when it shifted back to fifth it faulted and logged the P0735? The error code is related to "Gear 5 ratio incorrect". The gearbox monitors and compares input and output ratios and if they do not match the required value then a code will be logged and possible limp mode will result. The cause to this could have been your clutch packs which have been replaced but there may be another issue electonically causing the gearbox to do this. I'd suggest talking to a ZF specialist. As mentioned this may not be your local Ford dealer as it seems their resolution like many dealers is to remove and replace. Benny.
  8. The turbo 6's are lots of fun and a real torque monster but the difficulty in maintaining traction can be frustrating. I really enjoy the drivability and traction I've got with my GT, you can push it hard through corners without feeling like the boost is going to hit like a sledge hammer and put you in the bush. 12.7 with 370rwkw doesn't seem right. Maybe 270rwkw. Benny.
  9. My Walbro 400 intank seems to be coping fine. Benny.
  10. Benny

    Fg 565Kw

    Impressive result that. Have you got a dyno graph for us to drool over? Benny.
  11. Completely normal for an FG Turbo. Mine use to do it whenever low on fuel. Benny.
  12. David from KPM has instructed me on a number of occasions that the factory pump is good up to approx 420rwkw. Benny.
  13. Sounds right to me. Remember it's not about the total power but the gain achieved from stock before tuning. Benny.
  14. Injectors are out of safe duty cycle at approx 370rwkw and the pump at around 420rwkw. A smaller blower pulley alone will see around a 2 psi gain. Smallest pulley that can fit the standard snout is 70mm so the next step is either adding a crank pulley overdrive or the Yella Terra snout both of which will drive the blower very close to it's maximum burst rpm of 18000 at a raised 6500rev limit. Benny.
  15. I changed my oil every 5000 and still suffered a bearing issue. I attempted to make a claim but it was denied as I expected. As the saying goes 'you play you pay'. There are a few places around that can rebuild them like MTQ and GCG. If not then as suggested above you could go to a bigger turbo and get retuned. Benny.
  16. Michael, Sounds like your turbo is definately in need of a rebuild. You need to make the choice to either keep running it or pull it out and rebuild it. I had a noisey turbo in my FG XR for 18 months without any catasrophic failure before selling it. Benny.
  17. Cam, The ring is a restriction in the exhaust so removing it will allow better exhaust gas flow. It isn't the exact same mod as your Territory but will result in much the same thing. I believe the ring was installed in the euro iv to make the engine get to operating temperature quicker when started. This allows the car to get off the cold start fuel map and reduces emissions. A custom tune is simply flashing a modified ecu map into the car and will not require anyone special to service it in the future. Just make sure if you take it to Ford that they don't reflash it with a factory tune. If so then you'll have to flash it back. Benny.
  18. Here is a youtube clip I just came across that might be useful for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN9gnkAojG0 Also threw in David from KPM's video comparing his exhaust options. Benny.
  19. The engine oil used from the factory is Castrol Edge 5w20 which is a semi synthetic. Watch the video below and you'll hear it right from the horses mouth at 5mins 20secs. 5w20 Castrol Edge will be fine to use for the life of the engine when changed at the required intervals and can be obtained from any Supercheap Auto store or Castrol dealer as stated above. Benny.
  20. A number of guys are removing the rear mufflers and getting a better note. I would probably try this first before doing the centre. Just because of the positive feedback I've read. Benny.
  21. I'm running Nitto Invos at the moment which are proving good for traction so far. Quite reasonably priced from Taleb Tyres as well. Benny.
  22. Good posts Cameron thanks for the info. Knowledge is power. Keep up the good work. Benny.
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