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Everything posted by Benny

  1. No harm either way. Your oil will still be doing it's job after 6000ks. I change the oil every 5000 in both my GT and Turbo but that's just because I'm a freak. Benny.
  2. 40 front and 36 rear here. Gives some room for heat increasing the pressures. Lower pressures in the rear mainly to improve grip off the line. Benny.
  3. The VF GTS is a nice car and a lot of work has gone into the driveline, brakes and interior/exterior. But what can't be ignored is the fact they are dynoing around the 310-320rwkw mark in standard form. I would be terribly disappointed to spend near on $100k for a car and find it's making the same if not a little less than its much lower priced competitor. Personally I don't think the LSA engine comes anywhere near the ability of the Miami/Coyote engine available from Ford. I've yet to see a tune only VF GTS make 400 plus rwkw. Benny.
  4. Yeah I've mixed up a 50/50 blend yesterday and running it in the car now. I managed to do a little road testing with just water injection to gauge any improvements in intake temps. Had a mate riding shotgun monitoring the intake temps with the Xcal3 and watching the water/meth controller as I varied throttle input. Ambient temp was 25deg and at 110kph I had a consistant 43deg intake temp for a 15min duration of cruise. With the pump connected and a WOT application we witnessed the intake temps drop from 43 to around 41deg. Followed by disconnecting the pump and doing the same, we also saw a drop of 2 deg during the WOT. Sooo, much to my surprise I could not say from monitoring the intake temps via OBD that the water being injected lowered intake temps. In saying this I'd expect there would be a benefit in the combustion chamber with the water being injected. Only way to prove this would be on the dyno. Benny.
  5. ^^^ What he said. Will leave the Invos for dead in the wet. But as what has already been said trying to achieve full traction in the wet is not possible. Best thing to do is drive slowly with this type of car. Benny.
  6. Will do. Mount Franklin spring water only of course. Picking up a drum of Methanol this afternoon. Benny.
  7. I've installed it on mine. Will be doing some intake air temps tests this week hopefully on water only then with meth and water. Benny.
  8. Cams have been looked at by KPM and the project was abandoned due to gain vs cost being unreasonable. They certainly don't them to make big power that's for sure. Even though the cam lope sounds old school tough it's just the sound of inefficiency. Benny.
  9. Herrods is another. Not quite as big as the KPM unit though. There is another unit in development but not fully released yet. Benny.
  10. Blacktur8ute what power did your car make stock on that dyno? The little turbo will struggle up top which will result in less boost higher in the rev range. Certainly an actuator will help. If the car isn't idling properly with ID1000's then the tune needs adjusting. It should idle perfectly cold or hot. What city are you located in? A bigger turbo would be nice. Certainly fill that drop off in the later part of your graph. Benny.
  11. Benny

    Aftermarket Ecu

    There is no wiring loom to the exhaust cam solenoid. You'll notice there is a little cap over the plug on your cam covers. The Oz ECU doesn't haven't enough outputs to drive the exhaust solenoid I believe. Benny.
  12. Benny


    If I was in SE QLD then I'd be taking my car to Elite Automotive. http://www.eliteauto.com.au/ Benny.
  13. I assisted a mate to install a Snow's water/meth kit on his Blown SRT and it works a treat with keeping charge temps down. Been considering installing one on mine. Benny.
  14. Considering your speedo will have a factory programmed error at 100kph of approx 3%. Meaning your speedo says 100 but you're really doing 97 then you will be fine. Benny.
  15. I've fitted both the fuel and spark booster units to my car. There's not alot that can be said about the fuel unit as it simply boosts the volts to the pump when the car hits 5psi. I haven't had the chance to measure the additional fuel return to the tank but it's definately driving the pump harder. The voltage increase is able to be ramped in at different rates by adjusting the dip switches on the end of the unit. You're also able to adjust the volts via a knob which attaches to the unit via a harness. It's certainly an alternative to installing a surge tank setup. As for the spark unit it's difficult to explain the difference. Don't think this unit is going to blow you away with new unlocked HP but the car certainly sounds different when it's working. Not easy to put it into words, almost sounds like an electric motor winding up. Personally I believe if you're having issues with spark blowout or want to run a bigger plug gap then this unit is a good thing. Having more spark in my eyes should be benefitial in preventing missfire. How reliable this unit and the ingition system is going to be down the track I can only wait and see. Benny.
  16. I'm running a Walbro 400, have drilled out the valve/restrictor in the swirl pot return and also drilled the black elbow in the bottom of the swirl pot to 3mm. Saw fuel pressure drop from 68psi down to 55psi. Stock was 52psi before I installed the Walbro. Still using a stock reg. Benny.
  17. Nitto Invos for a cost effective gripping tyre. I'm happy with mine. Other end of the scale is Michelin Pilot Super Sports which are probably one of the best street tyres going at the moment. I have 2 used 275/30/20 Michelins for sale if you're interested, 30% worn. Benny.
  18. I think the Nizpro unit would have to be a good option. Maybe not as pretty as the others but quite capable. Benny.
  19. You won't be sorry buying a Miami equipped car. Tune and air filter only can can net you between 370-400rwkw. Much easier to peddle with the linear power of the Miami compared to the turbo 6. Benny.
  20. That doesn't sound right at all. What is the model of Brembo pad? What were they worth? Benny.
  21. Benny

    Gtx Upgrade

    Mark at Streamline has tuned lots of Ford sixes so I wouldn't hesitate taking it to him. Benny.
  22. Completely normal. Ford call it "engine cooling fan run on strategy". Benny
  23. Let us know how you go LU82. I was talking to Chris about your shaft today and I'm interested to know your outcome. Benny.
  24. Benny

    Your Gs Mods

    Can't wait to read it. Keep the info coming. Benny.
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