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About TBO240

  • Birthday 01/06/1964

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  1. Happy Birthday TBO240!

  2. Happy Birthday TBO240!

  3. Happy Birthday TBO240!

  4. brought new 04 still going strong after 191000 kms
  5. Happy Birthday TBO240!

  6. I see you didnt even know how to find one 7 months ago ,and now you a expert on uni-chips mate.
  7. 5yrs and 130000 km later still going strong.hows that for research mate.
  8. best I stay with my uni-chip dinosuar?
  9. TBO240

    Ef Xr6

    other than tint and rims and maybe lowering it a bit I be keeping it pretty much as is,and yes driving it for work.
  10. TBO240

    Ef Xr6

    just picked-up today a 1995 ef xr6 5speed with only 56000km on the clock in mint condition. Unfortunately the tail lights have been changed to el and also the xr6 rims have been removed.
  11. you should run a mid to high 12,good luck
  12. very powerful able to edit others threads
  13. it could just be that you didnt have enough fuel in the tank and the fuel is not pickup when you floor it this is a common problem.the fuel surges to one side
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