Last Saturday night some ba$tard debadged my XR6T on my front lawn, taking the boot XR6 and Turbo badge, bastards must have used a screwdriver or knife to get them off and managed to scratch the paint down to the bare metal in numerous places. The most annoying thing is that the badges just stick on and if they wanted them so badly they could have at least just peeled them off or heck buy them from ford spares for around $20 each... Just gives me the $hits to think they are just hanging on some teenage kids bedroom wall or something... So after paying around $350 to have the damage repaired at File Finish in Melbourne ( I dont know whether to leave the badges off or replace them, I think they kindof complete the car but perhaps its best to just wait a while to hopefully the XR6T novelty wears off just a bit, or maybe I just get the XR6 badge and go N/A incognito.... Sorry to ramble but I just needed to vent my spleen... Regards, Ben.