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Wingnut last won the day on August 1 2011

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  1. "It cant be normal" "IT IS normal" Its a Ford... Its normal
  2. Good work mate. I had the very same issue but it was my Bosch that went boom. It was making so much noise I couldnt hear my stereo until one day it didnt make any noise at all. Looking at your situation it could have been a stuffed in tank pump that could have made it fail but after replacing it, which was easy peasy, it was all good.
  3. Its good to see you still hold some form of affection for your car. If I ever saw mine again I would f*cking burn it after the amount of hell it put me through over the years. I would own 3 houses by now if it wasn't for that car and the few before it! What kind of moron spends 20k on a 40k car then sells it for 15... This f*cking moron!!!
  4. This is brilliant mate!! Keep it up! The F6 didnt look too happy. How do people even get themselves into situations like that... Hope the guys was ok!
  5. I live in the city and I think I got my old T to under 200 a tank. I was spending close to $400 a month. But I was also able to drive to Wang and back and basically 1 tank. Go figure!!
  6. Improvement on the current model considering reliability...
  7. Wingnut

    Body Swap

    It seems like that oil slick is having you pay twice anyway mate. Terrible to hear you go through this, I think most people are recommending buying a new T and just swapping the bolt ons as it will cause you fewer headaches which Im sure you have already had plenty.
  8. My brand new FG did the same thing as soon as I picked it up. Seems to be a common issue and I was never able to figure it out.
  9. Not the biggest fan of fake boobs but they did that tatted girl a world of good!
  10. I should have been a little more descriptive like SDP but I'm not a troll mate. I was just trying to save you a lot of time and effort. I have an FG and it has squeaked in a handful of different places on and off since I bought it. Its something that will drive you insane if you let it. Every time I think I have figured one out another will pop up. Once again it comes down to the build quality of these cars which isn't first class.
  11. Calling me stupid after asking why your Ford squeaks? lol
  12. It's a ford. That's the reason it squeaks and makes noises. Will get worse before it gets better sorry chief, they are taxis with turbos.
  13. I should have made my own thread but I didn't think it would have received much interest haha
  14. That's exactly my point!! As soon as it started using coolant I knew it was going to cost a fortune so I didn't really consider fixing it until I had to haha I'm not a silly and I have always been so precious with my cars but I don't sweat the small stuff these days and considering I don't need a car to get around where I live I have neglected it. Drove it a bit over the last few days and it hasn't skipped a beat. I'm curious to know exactly what is wrong but that process alone is going to be expensive and time consuming so I'm not too troubled with it atm.
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