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XR6T Falcon

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  1. Yes hopefully it goes all well,im only gettin the donut tank with is a 44lr one usable is bout 39 or 40 they said as I need the room for the sound gear and other stuff Im thinking of getting it custom tuned later on to, Car only has basic mods it a 6 speed manual with a 3" or 3.5" xforce exuast k and n fither and a dual port turbo smart bliw off value How much did the install cost you?
  2. was qouted $4650 and get a free gps unit rebate is 1500 in nsw
  3. I Have booked the t in for a gas install in Jan at a place in wollongong im getting the JTG system installed Im getting the donut tank 44ltr one, I know its small but I rather have the boot space. I will post pics of the install etc when its done.
  4. Hi Just thinking of putting my 05 xr6 turbo manual on gas. What systems have you got and what system you think will be good to get? Any info you have would be hugely helpfull Prices on install? problems you have had? places near the gong you would suggest performance and ecomony you have gottin Thanks Heaps
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