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  1. well I was stating the good points of the car and cheaper rego is a plus for qld drivers so I think that's a valid point, instead of bagging it out like everyone else I was trying to find the pros
  2. if you are gona spend money on it to do gearbox conversion and other mods then the larger turbo will be better at the end of the day because you will most likely do more mods, but in saying that you might want even more power and end up changing turbos anyways. theres alot to consider but if it was me I would swap turbos, for stock tune you will be getting boost sooner and a newer turbo aswell. 250-300kw with smaller turbo will feel quicker then same power with ba/bf turbs
  3. what a dumb retarded comment....remind me when the world started to revolve around vic? and its more then just being eco because its a small motor, its direct injection, alloy motor etc. sure the real world fuel figures might not live upto what they say but then the real world figures for the other motors prob dont either... I dont get why everyone has to be a hater. if you dont like it dont buy it. it could be worse they could have put a sr20det in it;) bmw had a 1.5ltr 4 banger with 5.5bar of boost that making 1300hp in the 80s
  4. has anyone tried putting some fuel hose and steel fuel line in e85 in a sealed container for a period of time? when I used to drag my bike I ran it on 50/50 e85 and 98 and didnt have any obvious problems theres a saab and another car that can run on 100% ethonal its a surprise what power people get out of the stock fuel rail if you see how small the steel hoses are, you can also drop the voltage to the 044s to quiet them down a bit off boost.
  5. that's alot of welding, what you use to grind the welds down flush? that's why I decided to go with steel its easy to put flapper disc on and get it smooth and then can bog it and paint it to make it look flush, you will have to get them joins perfect, not doubt you can...will looks good in the end im not a fan of the square corner rhs, will be interesting to see it finished
  6. so is this just a track car? how big is the fuel tank?
  7. in qld rego is different per number of cylinders, I thought it was the same eveywhere but someone said the other day that they didnt know about that and thought it was the same for all cars so maybe other states are different? the only thing I can say is ford should have used some of the other eco boost engines that are a bit big larger, but its pretty impressive to have a 2ltr turbo that is .2 of a second within the na 6. I would buy one and boost it up if it was in a better body shell;)
  8. it will be 100x50 around the outside like stainos current version, just 50x50 for the headboard. yeah will go for the thickers stuff since I can get that painted which is easier all round...hopefully will order some next week
  9. well the first post you were talking about a loud sucking noise, hose clamp rubbing isnt induction noise
  10. if you wanted to buy a average everyday falcon would you rather pay 6cly rego or 4cly rego and would you want one that's good on fuel or crap? for the normal person who just wants a stock falcon this gives you simlar performance for less fuel rego.. what they really need to do is make a rwd focus with this engine, then they would be on to a winner your right though Expensive Daewoo can sell 6ltr holdens with the price of fuel and rego atm, they could sell ice to eskimos
  11. well then ill put it this way, why have a tiny 4ltr 6cyl when you could have a 5ltr v8? why have a 5ltr v8 when you could have a 6ltr v8 or a 7ltr?? sure you can make 1000hp with 4ltr but you could make 2000hp with a 6ltr. the point is for the average person is they dont want mega hp, if you could have a stock xr6 turbo and have to pay 6cly rego and more fuel and more weight or you could have a 4cly with the same kw and less weight less money and less fuel for the average everyday person then the 4cly would be the winner I think...my point with the supra was there are reasons why people down size motors. 2jz is tuff and can make a million hp but 1000hp in a track car that doesnt handle would be stupid, I think the 3s is like 600ish and all the weight is more central, it was done like that for a reason in the same way there could be good reasons to have a 2ltr turbo falcon, just think if you could have a seq turbo setup on it and have your 300kw 2lr and still have low down power from a smaller turbo, sure you prob wont see any 10second 2ltr falcons but 14s are doable in a na ba falcon so im sure high 13s would be doable in a boosted 2ltr falcon last time I checked 13s street car wasnt to shabby
  12. that tiny bit around the pipe wont make much difference, the noise is still coming out from everywhere where its not sealed. that's why factory air boxes are a sealed box with one intake not like the after market ones that are just a 3 sided box...but saying that the nizpro one is the same box but the thick cast intake piping doesnt make the sound so it doesnt matter what the box is like. also the rest of the piping makes a difference, alloy piping will be louder then rubber etc...at the start I made throttle body relocation and used thin wall bend off the plenum and it made more suction noise, changed to thick wall cast bend and went away...its all in the piping. make a intake out of thick plastic and it will be quiet, get some 3inch pvc bends from bunnings and try it out
  13. im just not sure on the wall, one place only sells the gal stuff but has the thinner wall and other place is thicker wall and painted. prob just go the thicker painted stuff... im not sure what happened to my other user name, the mods were reading my personal msgs and stuff then I couldnt log in anymore...moral of the story dont try tell the truth on the forum
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