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About Azzman460

  • Birthday 02/08/1988

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    -cars<br />-motor bikes<br />-my work<br />-guitar<br />-BNS Balls<br />-Ute Musters<br />-drinking, oh god how i love drinking<br />-being a country boy!
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  1. Happy Birthday Azzman460!

  2. Happy Birthday Azzman460!

  3. Happy Birthday Azzman460!

  4. Happy Birthday Azzman460!

  5. ahhh yes I just had a look then, seems pretty simple might make one up myself. Its a bit lame that they dont provide you with any options but welding it to your car! oh well guess ya gotta do it haha! Thanks for your help!
  6. Yeah I guess it would, but I dont have a towbar fitted haha! I
  7. hey guys, I have just started doing hillclimbs and circuit sprints in my BF Ute, and it doesnt have a tow point. All the supp regs and rules and what not state that you should have a tow point, Im not sure if they say the same thing for the drags? Anyway, if anyone has had to deal with this dilemma what are my options? Cheers!
  8. I do but not with me! Looks like I'll just have to not end up in the gravel traps haha!
  9. Hey guys, I am doing a track day tomorrow at sandown and I was just wondering if somebody can tell me where the tow hook is located on a BF ute? I can't seem to see one anywhere and it doesn't have the provision for a screw in hook like the FG's have! Any help would be appreciated! Cheers!
  10. hey guys, wondering if someone can help me? I went to post a classified add in the new section, and everytime I tried to submit it, it came up with an error whjich said I dont have permission to do so, I tried several times, and I've posted classifieds before, but for some reason it would let me this time. Is anyone else having a similar problem or is it just me? Any help would be great! Cheers
  11. Excellent information mate thanks very much for that Yeah I think I'll take the advice and do a diff oil and brake fluid change. What diff oil is recommended? I have a set of racebrakes RB74 Pads in the standard calipers for the hillclimb, which won't be too critical as theres only 2 braking points in the short track we do Brembo 4 pot upgrades and a set of 18s are in the pipework as we speak, so I will also get some 5.1 fluid and do the calipers and fluid all at once My ute is lowered with peddars suspension, not sure what kind probably sports ryder or something but that should make it a little bit better, and I will organise a wheel alignment and get it put to the specs provided, sounds like a happy medium between road and track Also I was going to order some adjustable sway bars, how much are these worth and where can you get them from? Thanks for the advice, very helpful! cheers
  12. Yeah how much are those castor camber kits? I have only heard of them never seen them anywhere.
  13. G'day guys, Preparing to have my first track run and I was wondering what the reccomendations are to prepare the car. (BF Ute, 6 Speed Manual) I've got some decent oil and a new filter which will go in a week before the track day I've ordered some decent tyres and brake pads But other than that she's stock and has spent the first 95,000kms of her life as a work ute I'm not going to go to far out straight away as its just a hillclimb so the runs wont be too long, but is it worth changing the gearbox or diff oil? Also in the way of cooling, how does the standard radiator go after a couple of full pace laps of a full track? Also engine oil coolers, is it worth fitting one of these for future track runs or will it be alright as is? And also wheel alignment crossed my mind. Bearing in mind its still a street/track car, are there any preferred wheels alignment specs which makes it better on the track or do most guys stick with the standard manufacturers specs? Sorry for asking so many questions in one go, hopefully I can get some opinions! Cheers
  14. How much are they? the Kumhos are so cheap, and to be fair they're not classed as a full "semi slick", they're more like a soft road tyre with a semi tread pattern, so you cant expect the full performance of a semi out of them. But for $780 a set delivered, I dont see how you can go wrong
  15. yeah that's good info thanks for that, I'll be using them at phillip island next month for a round of the aus hillclimb championship, so I'll post up my feedback. From my research I think they're the best tyre for the least amount of money, which is good enough reason to buy them I reckon, especially for a street/track car, not just a dedicated track car. thanks for the info!
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