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About djkice

  • Birthday 04/05/1989

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    Perth, W.A.
  • Interests
    Sneakers, Music, Boost

    Mostly Boost
  • Member Title
    Boost Addict

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  1. No doubt the xr6s will do low 12s, tune only high 11s(since they are torq lim..) I'd own a xr6s as well as the hsv if I could but can't :'(
  2. http://www.caradvice.com.au/426123/falcon-sprint-a-head-to-head-clubsport-lsa-rival-our-car-is-21000-cheaper-than-the-competition/?utm_source=toughcars&utm_medium=fbpost&utm_campaign=forum_affiliate_program
  3. You can't really compare the two, totally different cars. The way they come on power is very different. Both are awesome in their own ways, pretty sure the 6T is faster. As a overall package however it's far better. It drives like a dream, it's in a totally different world in terms of handling, braking, comfort. It easily navigates around tight spaces, corners without requirement of a skippers ticket... I'm sure you would have been more pleased had I joined the FG X Sprint club? For now will remain stock... I think it's on par with the power level I had in my G6E which I deemed adequate for the street. Perhaps later on I might change my mind. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Maybe I should've got some euro trash or vl turbo to fit the wog stereotype :O
  4. that and exchange rate is s%$ being 20", staggered, uncommon pcd probably doesn't help either T_T
  5. yeah and it will drink 20l on average... considering I was running e85 full time it would use ~4L less than the g6et as for the jap wheels 5k quote.... ouch... opted for optional hsv wheels, crying on inside T_T
  6. yep they would, good launch control and covered by warranty if not used on track... go nuts on street apparently...
  7. still wanted to go blown... hsv r8 lsa
  8. more in the sense of my new pickup... the darkside element but yea that would be my reaction to the sprint...
  9. the g6e has left the garage on to it's new owner... to be fair.... I was considering getting the sprint but not sold on the look and interior is dated... still same as FG I... I can't do that interior for another 3-5 years.... Picking up the new beast this weekend. I feel a lot like Anakin Skywalker.............
  10. My cars for sale. Offering a $1000 spotters fee if anyone knows someone in the market or $2000 discount for a fellow member. So far I've had a few swap requests, dealer enquiry and really interested party works nor so cant view vehicle until end of month. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/stirling/cars-vans-utes/2011-ford-g6e-turbo-sedan-zf-6spd-edge-cashmere-372rwkw/1104310360 As for next vehicle, it's probably better you didn't know
  11. I also use a syringe of Safeguard every tank.
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