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About bluute

  • Birthday 15/06/1981

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    Golden Bay,WA
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  • Member Title
    Cant wait to drive it

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  1. Im keen as ! Just need to be home for one.....FIFO life :/
  2. No but then they don't make windows either Actually when you think about it they don't even make cars they just stick bits onto one that is already made
  3. Threw on some tyre graphics, whats peoples thoughts ??
  4. Yeh keen to get out on a cruise again haven't been on one since I sold my ute
  5. Just had a look through your "Stripes" thread (Quite a good laugh by the way) and yours was a manual mine is auto so definitely not your old one
  6. Cheers All Stripes - Build #1467
  7. Gday All been a loooooooong time since I was on here last, sold my ute and delved into the realm of 4Wd's for a while with a 200series cruiser. But I decided to get back to some speed so I bought myself a new toy 2014 FG MkII GT 335, got it barely run in with only 6800ks on the clock. Couple of minor mods with CAT back exhaust, K&N, Tint. Planning on keeping it low ks and un-molested as we all know the are not making them anymore so its a keeper. Still getting used to it but the sound and power delivery are intoxicating and definitely different than my old 6T
  8. Happy Birthday bluute!

  9. Happy Birthday bluute!

  10. you lucky bastard deano sounds like a weapon of a (legal) car I may be interested in some of your goodies if you do part out mate turbs and C$ are exactly wat im after depends on cash flow although ive heard you will trade favours for parts
  11. scotty ill give ya a hand if im home when you gonna do it mate no dramas,suss out what parts you dont have too as ive got a heap of stock bits sitting round mike well done mate on the award well deserved congrats to you to kael those are some top skids hopefully ill have the XP ready for next year (even if I have to take it out in primer haha)
  12. top thread dillz love the new soilwork album great return to form solution .45 is some good new action big in flames fan too quite like there mix up with pendulum (self vs self) really looking forward to soundwave this year last year was awesome but btter line-up this year you just cant beat $160 for all that music IRON MAIDEN is on my list of bands to see so looking forward to ticking them off any of you guys out there into metal vynil im a bit of a collector, heres a couple of rare ones ive framed up
  13. my ps3 does that sometimes when you plug it in hdmi but you take too long to select it on the screen try using the normal plug (av)aswell as hdmi then select hdmi as your output that or you might have to set up your hdmi through the tv give the manual (?) a read
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