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About nastytyphoon

  • Birthday 23/12/1948

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  1. Happy Birthday nastytyphoon!

  2. Happy Birthday nastytyphoon!

  3. Happy Birthday nastytyphoon!

  4. Its been a long time coming,but finally back on the road again.I never thought this day was ever going to come.Well it turns out the problem was the power steering senser,was faulty.That had everybody stumped.We had been looking at ecu,thottle bodys,acellerater pedal sensor,became so frustated after xmas,sent it to auto electricians to get a clear head to start again.What they did was to pull wires off till they got a result.Also another not normal thing,wire off car starts,wire on no start.Not running to potental yet,but easter will see it in townsville & mackay to get a few extra goodies and a tune & dyno.
  5. Happy Birthday nastytyphoon!

  6. Hi, the battery is a ODYSSEY PC925MJT HIGH PERFORMANCE DRY CELL BATTERY, which was the same as what was in there from a earlier upgrade,Nizpro 2 Plus,I have cleared the codes,& tried to get it to fire,no good,checked,codes back again.The only other thing I done,was to change the battery,I had to diconnect the throttle body hose,and pull of a sensor connection.The battery sits below all of that.
  7. Hi all,the problems continue to to plauge me, in an effort to just drive around again in the phoon,well the car was going ok,but I still was'nt game enough to venture out of town,with the onset of the cold weather the battery finally died.When I got around to getting another one, it did finally start.Next time I went to start it,the motor would turn over,but not run.After pluging in CX3,it came up with the following error codes,PO121,PO222,P1000.So I was hoping someone on the forumn might be able to tell me what they mean & what is required to fix them.We have very limited knowledge up this way,I did manage to get a auto electrician around,he sort of indicated the accelarater pedal senser could be responsible,he was going to goggle it,but he has'nt got back to me.
  8. Well finally behind the wheel again,doing the 1000km run in,every body whos heard the first motor running,and hear this one running,say this one is a hell of a lot quieter,which makes me think my original theary was right, that the original motor was run by atomic with those bolts loose,which caused all the damage,because the loose bolts were found by us before we run the motor.After reading post on the forumn there are some big kws being made.Well have to see what happens after the run in. :glad: :glad: :glad:
  9. Hi nikofgxr6t ,check out my post about atomic,I tried to link it,but didnt work,Atomic parts great,atomic engine building,sh*t,by brad himself,maybe,If you have a few months to wait,I still have not got over the trauma its caused me,but maybe soon.I think you made the right choice.
  10. Thanks guys,I just wanted to let you all know the latest.You can make up your own minds,who knows they might try & cleanup their act,wish,Its who ever is building his engines,but he is responsable to check that it is done properly,personelly I will be getting someone else to do my next one,whenever,its been a thing eversince I first drove a xr6 turbo,that I would like to drop one in a stang,& say to the yanks that this is 6 you need to make them ponies get up & go.The car I have,needs a little bit more work [as in my photos] Well should be running in the motor,again,next week,after I see if I have the money to pay the bill now or have too wait a bit.After that,I will be going to see dave in Mackay,for its first tune,fingers crossed.
  11. Well motor finally arrived back yesterday,[refer my post atomic motor before xmas] from Brad at Atomic.No real answers as to why it happened,hes saying it been overheated,dont know how,there were no signs of overheating when we had it,then he said it had been pinged,but I ran it in,on 90kph for 1000kms,so another mystery.No explanation on how some of the head bolts were loose when it arrived,lucky we picked it up,otherwise the motor would have been completely stuffed.Hes replaced the motor parts that were stuffed,but freight back to him for repairs then back here,he wont pay,also the removal & reinstall of the motor,he wont pay.At the moment I have lost all my enthusiasm to race,its demoralizing to think that I paid big bucks for this motor,& all I got was accusations & a lot of grief,never again.He didnt even send it back on the cradle that the guys here made up for it,that's crap.Lesson learnt,atomic parts number 1,atomic built motor "no way".Hopefully when I finally get back behind the wheel,& Dont have any more problems,I will get the bug again & see what this baby will do. Brad if your reading this
  12. Yeah duz12, I still havent got mine back yet.
  13. Yes they say they run it,but I dont know for how long.They send up oil for you to put in,when the motor has been installed.I wonder how, or maybe you wouldn't hear the loose bolts in the head,weren't picked up.I will be ringing brad friday or monday to find out wether he has looked at it yet.If not I think I might crack,its just draging on & no explernations.
  14. Thanks dazzler maturity I have plenty of,notice no age listed in my profile,ha ha.
  15. Thanks Dillz, that's what this forumns about passing on knowledge & info to each other so we can make the right choices.I have no problems with brad before this happened,but $14,000.00 worth of motor,that's not cheap.I hope brad,sorts this out quickly,puts in place a QA system,so this dosen't happen again,to anyone else,its really a kick in the guts,we know how passionate we are about our cars,I just want to get back in the phoon,its been about 3 months since the car came to grieve & at the earliest another month,I think. If I get a answer from brad soon.
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