Hi I hope you don’t mind me posting this here, but I work for Shell Helix, and thought you might be interested in a new website we’ve put together in conjunction with Dick Johnson Racing www.tipsandtricks.com.au At the moment the site has a few tips and tricks from the DJR team on engine maintenance, but we’re encouraging people to upload their own tips and tricks about engine protection and lubricants. We want your best ideas and best suggestions about ways you’ve been able to get maximum performance out of your car. Not only will the tips and tricks go up on the site, but the person who submits the best overall tip and trick will be (along with a mate) rewarded by being an honorary member of Dick Johnson Racing’s crew for the final V8 race of the season at Oran Park. There will also be weekly prizes for the best tip / trick, more info at the site: www.tipsandtricks.com.au Reply or PM me if you’ve got any questions, otherwise if you’re interested, jump on the site, submit a tip and tell your mates. Just so you know, Shell Helix is a range of lubricants so advanced it cleans, lubricates and protects your engine. The result is a smoother, quieter drive. If you want to find out more visit, www.shell.com.au/helix. Cheers Adam Hunt