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About dougsta

  • Birthday 20/09/1982

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  1. Happy Birthday dougsta!

  2. Happy Birthday dougsta!

  3. Happy Birthday dougsta!

  4. Happy Birthday dougsta!

  5. Could anyone point out to me with pics or instructions how to remove the door trims on a FG XR6? Before I try I would like to know where the clips & screws are for obvious reasons!
  6. Excellent thanks PHANTMXR6 I had hoped that was the case.
  7. Where did you get the "tool" to unbolt the seats? It has a star like bolt. I am removing my seats to add leather retrims but need the "tool" so I can take the seats out.... Please forgive my noobieness
  8. Has anyone vented the stock bov on the FG to atmosphere? If so could you please provide instructions / pics on which pipes to block etc
  9. I'm just getting a cat back system, should pretty much just go straight on (other than the side that has to be hung) I might have linked to the wrong kit
  10. Has anyone done this to the FG XR6T? If so can they post pics / instructions?
  11. It's the Herrod quad system, link: http://www.herrodmotorsport.com.au/HerrodP...42/Default.aspx Will post pics once its done
  12. Hi, I am upgrading the exhaust on my FG XR6T to a cat back quad system. As standard this system has rear twin tips and I was thinking of changing it to have the oval tips. Anyone have any ideas on where to get the exhaust tips? I have been told the FG GT tips will work but the price of genuine is rather expensive... Thanks
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