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Taxi 8 u

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About Taxi 8 u

  • Birthday 27/06/1973

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    Where you want to be!
  • Interests
    Cars (real or radio control), Girls, Downhill Mountain biking, Girls, Car Audio, Modifying cars. Forgot to mention girls!

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  1. Happy Birthday Taxi 8 u!

  2. Happy Birthday Taxi 8 u!

  3. Happy Birthday Taxi 8 u!

  4. Happy Birthday Taxi 8 u!

  5. Happy Birthday Taxi 8 u!

  6. I was leaning toward the rapids and I must thank you for your honesty in your recommendations, I guess tomorrow I'll be ordering my Rapid valvesprings. Cheers.
  7. Hey guys, just after opinions on vavle springs, preference, experience, issues (both good & bad). 1 Crow valvesprings 2 Rapid Systems 3 Atomic. Will be run in a BA XR6T, probably no more then 16PSI. Thinking of changing cams at a later date also. Thoughts?
  8. Does anyone know of a reputable exhaust workshop in Newcastle area that can do either of the following- A, convert my existing dump to V band, or B, fabricate a V band dump that would mate up to stock system? Cheers.
  9. Hey guuys, not sure if this is a topic that has been brought up before. Has anyone gone to an aftermarket ECU in a BA XR6T, most threads seem to follow Flash tuners, if it is at all possible what have been the ECUs been used? Cheers.
  10. Before you marry her! Five years after you marry her!
  11. well its definate voltage issue. what you need to do is put another battery in, strart her upand lift off the positive lead, the car should keep running if the altenator is still good. If the engine stops then its a dead altenator or hopefully a loose battery lead connection on the back of the altenator, if you have a digital multi meter put that on the batt leads and monitor the voltage. If the engine keep running the voltage should be sitting atleast 13volts anything less wont charge the battery so well. its a long shot but its not the drive belt (drives altenator, power steer etc...) is it? check those few things and get back to us.
  12. Did your car have auto haedlamps to start with? If it didnt then putting in and indicator stalk with auto switching doesnt mean you now have it. You need the L.D.R. that sits in the centre of the dash at the base of the windscreen plus the rest of the circuit.
  13. Taxi 8 u

    Badges On Cars

    A guy in the Newcastle area has a Ford Explorer (later model) started running around town with Chevy Tahoe badges, now apart from making it into a 4 Dr ute he has put HSV Senator badges on it. Total tool!
  14. You have approx 51mm from the window runner to the door skin plus add an extra say 9mm for an MDF spacer, so you are pushing 60mm of usable mounting depth. So pretty much any speaker you want, even a decent 6.5" woofer would fit.
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