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  1. I turn 32 in a few months and up until a few years ago I worked as a courier in Sydney for 8 years. Out of the blue one day a mate called me and asked if I wanted to work for him down in Albury for a year or two on the Hume Highway upgrade. I thought about it and said "f*ck it, why not?". So I traded my work van in(for the Turbo actually ), and basically moved to a place where I knew almost no-one, and in a job of which I knew absolutely nothing. That was a big call when I look back at it. Now two years later I'm living on the central coast of NSW, 10 minutes from the beach in my house that work is paying the rent AND bills for, with a company ute, on a pretty good wage and I'm not even in management yet....and all I did was work hard. Err I banged on a bit there, good luck anyway mate.
  2. I headed up to Queensland from Sydney on December 23rd going the Pacific Highway, we left Kellyville about 6:30am and didn't make it to Byron Bay(our planned stopover) until about 4:30 that afternoon with one stop. There was a sh*tload of traffic as to be expected and we lost an hour or two coming into Kempsey due to the traffic and the craptacular single-lane sections of road. It was a nice two hour cruise to Brissy the next day though. We came back yesterday with only two stops and it took 12 and a 1/2 hours although this was only to Wyong on the central coast not all the way back to Sydney. It was ridiculous coming into Macksfield and around Kew south of Port Douglas.I think we travelled 150 k's in 4 hours at one stage but it sort of broke the driving up and I wasn't even tired at the end of it. Don't know if the New England would have been a better option but the Pacific desperately needs at least two lanes the entire way from Sydney to Brisbane. I only saw one cop car the entire trip aswell although there were 5013424 fixed speed cameras along the way so I guess they don't need cops anymore along that road. My Navman even managed to alert me of imaginary speed cameras along the way, POS.
  3. I had a similar result a few months ago on the Hume somewhere between Albury and Sydney in my T, I was sitting on 130-140km/h, the sky was clear and there wasn't much traffic and as I was overtaking a b-double up a hill I saw a HWP in my rear-view and he pulled me over. I had no argument whatsoever, I was speeding well past the limit so I didn't even try and argue and he came up, grabbed my license and rego details and went back to his car without saying a word. After 10 minutes or so he comes back and says "You went past me at 135, then I got you again doing 132 up the hill but because of my distance from you and the angle of the road I wrote you a ticket for 10 and over." I was bloody surprised and just nodded my head and said "Ok" and that was that. The next six hours to the central coast I didn't go 2 km/h over the limit, and even now I'm pretty reluctant to go too far over the limit on the highway when I go to/from Sydney...
  4. I've been with AAMI since I bought my BF T last year, I'm 31 and this year the "standard" premium was about $600 although I got it down to $300 with a higher excess as I only drive it on weekends.
  5. I average about 16l/100km, thought that was high....and I drive it like I stole it...
  6. I got SL front and SSL on the back with 19's and I haven't scraped on a speedhump or driveway yet although I am very cautious and always slow right down.....I have also started to reverse into carpark spaces as the front bumper won't clear gutters and those small concrete barriers they put at the front of some carpark spaces etc
  7. LOL Dean St, I don't even drive down there with those bigass speedhumps they have...and all the Bombadores with chromies and v8 supercar rear spoilers are too annoying :banghead: I'm talking about the United servo at Lavington, I've only driven past it everyday for the last eight months it never even crossed my mind they would have 100 octane fuel in this prehistoric town
  8. Only realised a few weeks ago the United servo here in Albury has the 100 octane stuff, filled my tank up today and so far it seems pretty good and it was only $1.09 per litre
  9. My battery went a month or so ago, car was 1 day out of warranty so it lasted 3 years which is alright. I had just driven from Albury to Sydney, stopping once at Yass to fill up then when I got to Sydney I stopped at Maccas and it just died, didn't play up or give any indication it was dying prior to that at all.....I could have been stuck at Yass for awhile so I was lucky it didn't die there...
  10. I have a work ute so I don't need to drive mine everyday, I still do though 'cos when I get home from work I just love going for a cruise in it
  11. Just Cars wanted $2,000 per year for comprehensive for my 05 BF XR6T(I'm 30 btw), NRMA who I had been with for 12 years wanted $1100 and then a mate who owned an XR6T told me to check with AAMI. The price with AAMI was $469 per year comprehensive without even having to increase my excess! WIN
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