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  1. I have installed 6 branded new coil packs and plugs from Ford... and did not make on bit of difference..
  2. No the car wash is a drive in one.. Its sprays under the car as you enter the wash... It had done it before but only missfiring for about 5 mins then came good. Its also isnt getting water in under the coil pack cover.. I checked that first... Is the silver box near the air box ( I think its the ecu) is it water tight?. I drove it tonight and same thing. Ran perfect for about 2 mins and then started missfiring again.. but this time if u try and push the petal past half way or full petal it will miss until the motor is close to stalling..
  3. Hi All, I have a BA 2004 Turbo Auto Sedan. The other day I had driven my car through a automatic car wash and as I went to leave the car engine was missing.Not just on cylinder but 2-3. I had driven it for about 1 hour home and it was still missing. After leaving it for 3 days I went for a drive and it had driven fine for about 2 mins then started missing again. Since then I have installed 6 new coil packs and 6 new plugs but it hasent made one bit of difference. You leave it for 6-8 hrs and will run perfect for about 2 mins then start missing again. I think I have water in somthing somewhere. Can any please help its driven me nuts.
  4. Everytime I hit speed hump or pot hole I get a really squeaky noise from front end. This is even a really slow speeds. Any help would be good... Cheers
  5. My ba xr6t sadan has a slight vibration in the rear end. Its not noticable when its just me in the car, but the more weight I get in the car the worse it get. It also only does it when it under acceleration with more than 2 people in the car. (Also its not wheels. Had them checked at tyre shop) any help would be much appreciated.
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