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About GlennAUII

  • Birthday 31/01/1988

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    The Womb
  • Member Title
    Former XT pilot

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  1. Happy Birthday GlennAUII!

  2. Happy Birthday GlennAUII!

  3. Happy Birthday GlennAUII!

  4. Hey mate, they look good! I think they're pretty expensive from ford, maybe around $300. It wires up the same as the standard one. Those things aren't reverse lights, they're non functional. You need to drill 2 holes to fit it though iirc. I can see where he's coming from.. he asks for pictures and gets jumped on saying its pointless.
  5. Get them done under warranty mate. I worked at a dealer when the BF was released and its a very common problem on BF F6's.
  6. AMG would have been nice. Ah well, I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever you choose.
  7. They look fine. If its real leather that'd be a goer! The ford leather seats are only leather bolstered anyhow iirc. The rest is vinyl.
  8. in comparison.. trading an EF in on a new XR.. would be somewhat similar to the trade in figure YOU would get if you traded your XR in on a REAL typhoon
  9. Lighter flat blue would look cool too, or even a darker blue.
  10. 00 AU2 4L Forté Sedan - Manual 03 BA 4L XT Sedan - Manual 03 BA XR6T Sedan - Auto
  11. Do you honestly care if its one or two shades off? It'll still look as good, just ask him to paint them dark grey ego or something.
  12. What springs are in that thing? Looks incredible man
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